Oh yes, I heard that soft jingle again. This was my most favorite sound in the world. I quickly went bounding down the stairs. There daddy was, holding the keys casually in his hand. He smiled, as I sat near him. He asked me, “You want to come?” Of course, I always want to go. It gives me a thrill and joy that I can’t even begin to explain. I knew he was teasing me. He knew how much I loved it. So, I played along. I started jumping and dancing just how he liked it. I saw the smile on his face turn to laughter as he watched me very amused.

But, I kept at it. “Was he only pulling my leg?” This was a game we played on many occasions. As I stopped and looked at him, muttering a hmmm, he opened the door. Then he beeped. And I knew we were on! He quickly opened the boot and I jumped right in and made myself comfortable in my favorite spot.  I looked at him impatiently, “What are you waiting for?” He slammed the boot shut.

I waited excitedly as mommy came and waved my bye. I wagged my tail vigorously but she could not see.

Yes, I was going for my car ride. Yippee! Life was good!


My dog, Coco, absolutely loves going for car rides. He begs and pleads every time he hears us so much as take the car keys from the slot. Sometimes, just to indulge him, we take him for a short ride in the neighborhood even when we don’t have to go anywhere!

Also, I have been nominated for the BlogAdda awards, do click the link and click “like” if you find my blog worthy!


This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

48 Thoughts on “Take me, please!

  1. Good one Rachna. Coco looks adorable 🙂

  2. Wow! How sweet Coco looks as he awaits his car ride!! 🙂

  3. Absolutely adorable!

  4. Your Coco is lucky.

  5. Aww look at the way he has put his head on the seat and is looking! Hugs to Coco. From Luci and me.

  6. Nice. The moment I read this post, I was unconsciously thinking about Shail and here she is already commenting on your blog.

    Btw, I must try this WOW sometimes. This started when I was giving a break to all contests and prompts. Now that I am back to all these, I should give it a try sometime.

    • Thanks, Karthik! Yes, Luci is so much a part of my thinking when I think of pets and of course, Shail! This is the first time I attempted WOW. I normally don’t blog over weekends. But the topic was just too close to my heart as is Coco :). Yes, why not! Give it a try. I only attempt prompts if they really strike a chord, I guess like you.

  7. Aww want to hive him a hug 🙂

  8. That’s so cute and adorable!

  9. Hmm – That was an adorable piece about an adored dog 🙂

  10. having a pet around makes life so much more fun !

  11. This was such an adorable post Rachna ! One hug for Coco from my side !

  12. It is fascinating to see their tails wagging and drooping to express their sentiments 🙂

  13. Ohh that’s so sweet! My sis in law has a pug called Cocoa and he recognizes me as Seeta Mami 🙂

  14. That’s sweet li’l tale. So innocent and so grappling. Read the poignant tale of a street yapper at http://oops-om.blogspot.in/2014/01/life-of-street-yapper.html

  15. Our pet loved the car ride so much that he’d drool all over us 😀

    A big hug to Coco.

  16. Coco reminds me of Jimmy we had long ago. Sweet post.

  17. Super cool. Wasn’t till I reached the end that I realized it was Coco you were writing about! Five hugs!

    • hehe Thanks, Subho! Will pass the hugs on to Coco. Actually, that is how I intended the post to come out but looks like my lame attempt failed to register on the others :).

  18. I dont have a dog but had a puppy for a brief period in my teens. He loved rides too, but he would recognize the way every time we went to the Vet and would try his best to get the hell out of there!

  19. All these posts about dogs, makes me wish I had one too 🙁

    It’s nice to see how alert they are, when they hear the footsteps of their masters approaching or when they hear sounds like the keys being taken for the car. They are the best companions that we have, so it is good to reciprocate a percent of their love for us.

    Sweet. 🙂

    • They are not only loyal; their love is beyond compare. They epitomize selfless love. I think it is wonderful to have a pet. It makes us better people.

  20. Aww.. He looks so cute.

  21. I’m really scared of dogs, but I loved the name: Coco. It must be real fun to see him longing to be with you guys…isn’t it?

  22. That was such an adorable post through the eyes of Coco, who looks equally adorable 🙂

    And congratulations on the Blog Add nomination and all the very best!

  23. Awwww….Coco is sooo adorable 🙂 Just reminded me of of our beloved Lucky who too used to be just as restless and excited for a car-ride or even just a walk in the neibourhood. Much love to adorable Coco :-*

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