On 16th July, 2008, I began my journey as a blogger. For me a blog was a diary where I could share tid-bits of my life. I wanted to write about the small things experienced by me as my kids were growing up: their crazy habits and their cute baby talk that I was sure I would forget at a later date. How right I was! Even now when I read some of my older entries, I chuckle remembering what they did :). Of course, I had no intention of interacting with anyone except friends and family. Why would I want my blog to be read by everyone? :). It is only in the past few months that I started putting my posts on Indivine! And, I just recently created the Facebook page for my blog. And, frankly I am surprised that so many people find it worthy to read what I write.
Slowly along the way, my blog attained a mind of her own. She started pushing me to write about everything that I was passionate about: current events, social issues, parenting, relationships, health, fitness — anything and everything. And, I have been going on doggedly for all these years. I adore blogging! I feel I am missing something if I don’t blog. No, I don’t crave for numbers. I am happy if you come and read and comment. I won’t hold it against you if you don’t :). I will still come to your blog if I find it interesting. To me, it does not matter if you don’t keep commenting but do interact in some way. I enjoy the interaction.
I have made some wonderful blogger friends in this journey. Thank you all. Some are more special than others, but all are special, nonetheless. Thank you also for listening patiently, for being there to lend me a consoling shoulder when I needed it, for giving me information, and for your support when I sought your help. A special thanks to hubby who was the inspiration and the motivation behind the blog. Your constructive criticism keeps me on my toes.
Here’s to 4 years of a great journey called blogging! 

For those who are interested, this is my first post on 16th July, 2008:

My first blog 🙂

See you at the blogs :).

Pic courtesy: Freedigitalphotos.net

139 Thoughts on “A journey called blogging!

  1. Congrats!! 🙂 keep going!

  2. A big congratulations and wishing many more such celebrations as your blog adds years and you get younger:)

  3. Carry on, ‘Rachna says’! Extract the best from that girl and extract often. And hey, wish you a very happy birthday!

  4. Wish you many many more years of successful blogging….it is a pleasure to read you.

  5. It is really a wonderful feeling to have come so far. Imagine those days when we used to have pen friends and used to eagerly wait for replies from our penfriends. Now it has become so easy to interact with people and get instant response, time and space have no meaning in this modern world. It is great we now have all these advantages.
    I started blogging from 2005, thanks to the encouragement shown by my children.

    • So true, Rama! Wow, you are a veteran in blogging. I love my interaction with you! You are someone I relate to in so many ways. Thank you for your support.

  6. Happy blog-day! I think we all like to let off a little steam sometimes, or just connect, and blogging seems to be the perfect place. It doesn’t intrude on to others in the same way a phone call or conversation would; they can read when they like and leave casual comments if they want to.

  7. And it is 2 and a half years since I started reading urs and it has been a wonderful journey. More power to u Rachna and congrats. 🙂

  8. Happy blog anniversary Rachna!

  9. How interesting, Rachna!!! And how strange!!! Happy happy blog anniversary, Rachna!!! Love your blog–keep blogging!

  10. Congratulations, Rachna. We both started blogging in 2008. It’s amazing how blogging grows on you. I admire you for your passion and commitment to writing about things that matter! ♥

  11. Good on you Rachna!!

  12. Congratulations Rachna!

    It is indeed an achievement that you have continued since 2008. Keep on writing. All the best!

  13. Congrats..! Your blog offers a good reading experience every time.
    Keep blogging 🙂

  14. Thats yet another milestone. Happy to have been reading your blog from quuite some time now..maybe a year and more.. Keep them coming.. Love the various topics you choose to write about. Cheers!

  15. Thats yet another milestone. Happy to have been reading your blog from quuite some time now..maybe a year and more.. Keep them coming.. Love the various topics you choose to write about. Cheers!

  16. Thats yet another milestone. Happy to have been reading your blog from quuite some time now..maybe a year and more.. Keep them coming.. Love the various topics you choose to write about. Cheers!

  17. Thats yet another milestone. Happy to have been reading your blog from quuite some time now..maybe a year and more.. Keep them coming.. Love the various topics you choose to write about. Cheers!

  18. Thats yet another milestone. Happy to have been reading your blog from quuite some time now..maybe a year and more.. Keep them coming.. Love the various topics you choose to write about. Cheers!

  19. Thats yet another milestone. Happy to have been reading your blog from quuite some time now..maybe a year and more.. Keep them coming.. Love the various topics you choose to write about. Cheers!

  20. Thats yet another milestone. Happy to have been reading your blog from quuite some time now..maybe a year and more.. Keep them coming.. Love the various topics you choose to write about. Cheers!

  21. Thats yet another milestone. Happy to have been reading your blog from quuite some time now..maybe a year and more.. Keep them coming.. Love the various topics you choose to write about. Cheers!

  22. Congratulations, Rachna.. keep writing.. but, lets see how long the website format of writing stays alive, in today’s world of facebook and twitter.. 🙂

  23. wow, four years!! i have been dying to write one anniversary post but my blog is hardly 6 – 7 months old. happy b’day to your blog and i will come back and read that first post :D. that would be fun!!

    • Wow, and what an amazing blog you have. You have reached in 6-7 months where I haven’t reached in 4 years. Thanks a lot for your support. The first post was a short one, just like a diary entry :).

  24. Congratulations..happy blogging.

  25. Congrats. Wishing you many more years of blogging 🙂

  26. Congratulations!! 🙂

  27. That’s such a meaningful journey Rachna.I always loved reading you.Cheers !

  28. Hearty Congrats Rachna. I started blogging for the same reason to record tidbits about my little one . I too enjoy the interaction and I am able to relate when you say you cant be without blogging. Great to have met you on blogosphere! Keep writing 🙂

    • Hey Jeyashree, I have started reading your blog only lately, and I love the way you write. Great to have met you too. Thanks for the warm words <3

  29. congrats
    happy blogging …….:)

  30. आपकी लेखिनी सुन्दर है
    मै वाह करूँगा
    दर्द बढे तो बाटलेंगे
    मै आह करूँगा
    जब भी मन ने कही कलम चल दी
    की हम ब्लॉग वाले है
    बिक चुकी दुनिया हम बिकाऊ नहीं है
    धधक सीने में जिंदा
    की हम आग वाले है

  31. congrats on the 4 years .. WOWO.. here’s wishing you many more 4 years to come ur way..

    I lvoe coming over here and reading and FIGHTING too sometimes 🙂

    Take care Rachna and all the best

    Open letter to all Indians -Bikram’s

  32. I am glad you started blogging 🙂

  33. Congratulations on the completion of 4 years….hope you keep blogging for many more years to come. Yours is one of the initial blogs I found on the Internet and am very glad I did. I like your blog and its honesty and the way you put things and the way you deal with your life…wishing you many happy blogging years to come..:)

    • Thank you Found in Folsom! See I was right about the motivation from blogger friends. Your words make me want to fly :). Thanks again for your warmth and support!

  34. Congrats Rachna! Here’s to many more happy years on your journey called blogging.

  35. Congratulations, Rachna! What a milestone!! Off to check out your first post!

  36. Indeed it is a fantastic journey. 🙂 Many congratulations on completing 4 years and looking forward to many more wonderful years and posts to come. I really like and admire your blog, the way you write and the topics you write on. And also your whole attitude towards blogging is amazing too. Keep writing and we will keep reading. 🙂

    Just read your first blog. It is indeed great to look back at your first post. It gives you the same inspiration that you had on that day when you sowed the first seed. 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Raj for such inspiring words. I am indeed grateful to Zephyr for introducing super bloggers like you and Deb to us!

      You have indeed captured the nostalgia I feel for my older posts so aptly.

  37. A blog is an extension of your personality. The joy of being read, understood, appreciated and connecting with the like-minded….

    It’s takes immense discipline, conviction to keep your passion alive for 4 years.

    Kudos to you, Rachna.

    • Absolutely agree, Purba. What a great place to meet wonderful people, exchange views, vent when needed and yet be loved! Thank you for your warm words. Coming from an amazing blogger like you, your words mean a lot!

  38. Hi Rachna,

    You will be glad to know that after thumping success of hamarivani.com, which is a unique rendezvous of Hindi bloggers and readers spread all over world, we are feeling jubilant to introduce Bloggiri.com.

    At Bloggiri, your blog will get a huge horizon of new readers to share thoughts and ideas with you, because your blog is just reflection of your soul and inner beautiful.

    Now what are you thinking, just submit your blog at Bloggiri.com and give a new meaning to your life.

    Happy Blogging!

    Team Bloggiri

  39. Hi, Rachna, I have an award for you ar my blog!

  40. Great Going Rachna! Congratulations. I like the varied topics you cover in your blog. All the best in the years to come

  41. Great Going Rachna! Congratulations. I like the varied topics you cover in your blog. All the best in the years to come

  42. Great Going Rachna! Congratulations. I like the varied topics you cover in your blog. All the best in the years to come

  43. Great Going Rachna! Congratulations. I like the varied topics you cover in your blog. All the best in the years to come

  44. Great Going Rachna! Congratulations. I like the varied topics you cover in your blog. All the best in the years to come

  45. Great Going Rachna! Congratulations. I like the varied topics you cover in your blog. All the best in the years to come

  46. Great Going Rachna! Congratulations. I like the varied topics you cover in your blog. All the best in the years to come

  47. Great Going Rachna! Congratulations. I like the varied topics you cover in your blog. All the best in the years to come

  48. congratulations rachna! i discovered your blog recently and keep coming back now and then to read stuff. Long time bloggers like you are an inspiration!!

  49. Congrats Rachna,blogoshpere & esp IB is a wonderful platform to interact & you do it exceptionally well.

  50. Hiya and gratz. =) Lovely blogg, will be coming here to check what you writing. =) Have a great day. hugs.

  51. Congratulations 🙂 A big milestone. I know I got lost in between but great to be back in touch and have you around 🙂

  52. Congratulations Rachna. Way to go and I’m going to read your first post 🙂

  53. Rachna,

    Congratulations on completing 4 years. We all have different reasons for writing here. Whatever be it, it is an individual’s space to write what one feels comfortable with as long as it does not offend basics of others. Hope to keep reading your good and informative posts for a long time to come.

    Take care

  54. Aww…congrats! 4 long years..now when you say it, I realize my blog is 4 years old too! But you have been a very regular blogger..and you always manage to post stuff that interests me. I am back into the scene after quite some time now and what a joy to see this post! 🙂
    Keep blogging, rachna!

    PS: Your new profile pic is super cool, or shall I say, Hot? 🙂

    • Wow, so we must have started around similar time period. And, we have been blog buddies for pretty long :). I miss your posts, but I rush to read whenever you post irregularly :). Thank you for your support and encouragement!

      Thanks for the compliment! Basically good camera work ;-).

    • Aww…It’s a pleasure to get your comments on my blog. You have stuck along faithfully and that really does make me feel good. 🙂 And hey, no time for modesty, this. Bask in the compliment, I really meant it. 🙂

    • I know you did! Thanks again, appreciate it :).

  55. Congratulations, Rachna. Happy anniversary 🙂
    Here’s wishing you many, many more anniversaries. Happy blogging.

  56. Yay!! Congrats on this milestone Rachna. You are an awesome blogger..Love your contents, the way it grips the readers like me! WTG!! Wishing many more such anniversaries…

  57. Hello.
    Visiting from the group Bloggers.

    Congratulations on your 4th Blogoversary! May you continue to be inspired by the wonders of life and love for many more years to come. Thanks for sharing.

    A is for Award: I’m A Celebrity

  58. Wow! Four years is long time, its great to see the same enthusiasm and zeal in you to write. Will go and read your first post. Keep writing. 🙂

  59. Kudos Rachna!
    Wishing you many more years of blogging!xoxo

  60. First I thought you were stopping… lol like well I just found you and now you stopping? lol. =) Thank you for your lovely words at my blogg. =) Hope you have a wonderful day, hugs.

  61. Dear Rachna,
    Wishing you many more years of blogging. The success comes from what we write and how humble we are (my opinion). For me its going to be two years in January. I enjoy the people I meet each day (like you) and hope that we will always have FUN in this field. I am sure you are a talented Lady Flower in what you do(smile). Thanks for sharing my friend.

  62. Thank you Rachna, for sharing your thoughts, for making us think, and smile, and sometimes rage and write a post ourselves. Thank you for hanging in there. Thank you for being an inspiration. And congratulations too…

  63. Congrats ! I have always loved reading your thoughts and posts … thank you for all the w’ful posts <3 ...

  64. congratsss…blog world loves u boss..coz yr blog is gr8 n u r a nice person..

  65. Keep it up Rachna…cheers!!!

  66. Congrats and please, keep blogging.
    Btw, I too started blogging to collect all the tit-bits of my life assorted in one place so that I get to read them and recollect the memories in years to come. 🙂

    • And, isn’t that a wonderful, bittersweet experience to back and read your posts. Thank you Amit for stopping by and for your sweet words.

  67. Fantastic..
    Rachna,it is not about number 4.
    The content you have been contributing is your real strength.
    Keep it up……My best wishes.

    I am in Bangalore.Would come over to meet you.

    • Thank you, Chowla ji! You know how much your appreciation means to me. I agree, the number is only important when it shows the consistency and strength, nothing more! Thank you again for your warm words.

      Please do come over.

  68. Fantastic writing.

  69. congrats !
    happy blogging 🙂

  70. 4 years??? Thats fantastic! Wish you many more such happy years blogging, Rachna:)

  71. Love your blog and your hard-hitting posts, Rachna. The blog name is so apt since the words come from your heart. God bless and lots of good wishes for many more anniversaries. 🙂

  72. Four years ? Wow !
    Congratulations Rachna,hope to read even more from you 🙂

  73. Congrats. I started writing blogs recently. Hope to see more blogs from u.

  74. Congratulations on reaching a cool blogging milestone! Love reading you and look forward to lots more in the coming times too!
    Cheers 🙂

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