I only accept Guest Posts from bloggers known to me and those specifically asked by me. If you are looking for linkback and wish to contribute a post for my blog, you can approach me for a Sponsored Post. Email me for the details.
Guest Post Guidelines:
- Each post must be a minimum of 500 words and must be of relevance to my blog and its readers.
- All articles must be original and written specifically for my blog. They must not be published elsewhere though you may link to the article in your future articles. If you ever wish to republish them on your blog or elsewhere, please let me know and I can take it off here. That way SEO will not be compromised.
- As long as the article appears on my blog, I retain the copyright.
- Please ensure that the article provides something of real value to my readers.
- You will be allowed linkback in the author bio. I will not allow any affiliate links anywhere in the article. And, all links must be relevant to the article written and belonging to the same niches that my blog caters to.
- No adult, pornographic, or objectionable material is ever acceptable on my blog.
- I reserve the right to edit the article and you would be informed of the same before publishing it.
- You are free to promote the article on your social media. It is, in fact, desirable to do so.
- No images will be accepted without proper attribution. If you own the copyright for the image, you must specifically specify so. This blog accepts no responsibility for any copyright infringement that your written content or images may cause. You will be solely liable to actions and damages of any kind in case of such an event.
- No defamatory content or abusive language will be accepted.
- You must own the copyright to your article and the images supplied by you.
These guidelines will be modified from time to time so check back every time before you do a Guest Post.
I look forward to hearing from you. Reach out to me at rachna (dot) parmar (at) gmail (dot)com.