There have been repeated reports of attacks on Indian students ( 4 in the last month) in Australia in the past days. The attacks are outrageous and seem to be motivated by racism. In a particular case where a student lies on life support in a grave condition, their house was also burgled of all the belongings. There have also been reports of the rudeness of the Australian authorities when the students went to file their complaints at the police stations.
Air France passengers traveling to Mumbai reported that they were ill-treated and definitely not treated on par with the other passengers when their flight was delayed by more than 26 hours some days ago. Today also there was an incident of the high handedness of the Air France officials. Air France has one of the worst reputations in terms of dealing with non-French speaking and non-white passengers.
There were also incidents of the death of Indian students in the US. It is very sad that in supposedly developed and safe countries like the US and Australia, the law enforcement in unable to guarantee the safety of students who come to study in their countries and bring revenue to them. It reflects very poorly that racism and resentment are such ugly realities in the so-called developed and cultured world of today !

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