Life is fickle. In a moment, it can change irrevocably. Those who know me know that I am a huge worry monger. I worry any time anyone close to me travels or goes on a journey. I feel antsy till they are home safe and sound. I know it is rather foolish to worry incessantly, but try as hard as I might, I can’t shake off the fear of something terrible happening to a loved one. I guess this paranoia is hardly surprising considering how uncertain this world we live in seems.

A mother who bid her child goodbye to school had no clue that it was the last time she was seeing her. A wife saw off her husband to work only to know hours later that two mad men had gunned him down at a workplace. His only fault was that he was there to repair a machine. A father bid his son’s family goodbye after they had visited for a vacation just to know hours later that their car met with an accident with a speeding truck and all lost their lives. Life is uncertain and cruel.

The only thing certain in our lives is death, yet we do very little to prepare for it.

Yes, we are so ill prepared to handle death most of the times because it is not a topic we wish to confront. I saw this at close quarters when a cousin of my mother’s had a motorcycle accident. He was in coma for a month before passing away. He was the breadwinner of the family, and his wife and children went through some really tough times to cope with the ensuing financial struggles. She had no life insurance or assets to fall back upon. It was a heartbreaking time. And yet we see the same play out family after family.

I know that since I’ve had children, I have become more fearful. I pray for their health and safety every day. I also endeavor to secure their lives in the best way possible. This gives me peace of mind and lets me live with the belief that they will be well looked after financially no matter what.

Nothing can bring a loved one back, but at least we can ensure that those who are left behind only struggle with the emotional scars and not existential issues after their demise.

Life does not always give you second chances.

Seize your chance now. Secure your loved ones.

30 Thoughts on “Life is uncertain

  1. True yaar. I totally agree with you. That’s why I keep on nagging S to write a will for the kids. Not that something is going to happen for us today or now or tomorrow; but you never know, right? That is the first thing on my to do list for 2015 which I haven’t started preparing yet. But, will and should do it asap. These days, I am becoming a bit paranoid too….with all these incidents I see I day in, day out.

    • Yeah, me too. I have to do some tweaking to the Life insurance we have. When Sid read this post, he felt a bit hyper. I said take it with a pinch of salt. Of course, kids feel terrible to even think about these topics. :/

  2. The worst situation anyone can face after the death of a loved one is to know that they are now saddled with debt with no fallbacks! I know it is often thought ‘indecent’ and ‘a bad omen’ to prepare for one’s death but it is the most logical thing to do and the best way you can protect your family!

  3. I happened to see your post from #fridaylinky 🙂
    Your thoughts and actions resonated with mine. I am a pathetic worry monger to the core. Can’t even handle the stress with petty things, let alone the atrocious genocide! Sigh…

  4. Working in the ICU section of hospitals, I have seen this tragedy so many times over the last decade and the pain and sorrow never stops… I always feel horrible at the end of the day watching a family extinguished (for that is what it is… not a person but a family lost)
    So many of these people started out the day hale and hearty never knowing what tragedy was coming their way…

  5. Yes, life is most uncertain. No matter how much we say worrying never helps it is always a struggle, isn’t it? Especially when any little thing goes wrong in our little world.
    Seems like you are in a reflective, musing mood as the first month of the new year ends 🙂

    • Yes, you are right. Sometimes no matter how much we try, the worrying does not cease. I guess, I am. 🙂 I read about an incident or hear someone’s experience and it just triggers these thoughts. Thanks for reading, Beloo.

  6. Wise words. But what compelled you to write this? Hope everything is ok.

  7. there is no guarantee that your planning and money will decide safe future for kids. when a parent dies all of a sudden,it becomes like a classroom without a teacher. did ya see a class without teacher or during leisure period ,the whole class looks messy,kids chit chat,kids fight,its whole lot of nuisance.we should teach kids discipline,being responsible and faith in team work.if there are 3 kids in a house,you will find same situation as in classroom when parent in house is dead.wisest of 3 has to take the responsibility or three of them should believe in team work for successful future. without this mentality,a family can never be successful whatever the money you save.

    • Rohan, a loss of a parent can never be compensated. I can’t get over the loss of my mother so many years later. My point was that if one of the parent lives and is in a financial lurch, cannot put bread on the table and cannot send the kids to school then that surely can be planned for. Rest is not in our hands.

  8. I know how you feel…ever since becoming a mother I worry constantly and get so scared, especially while my child is small and needs so much guidance. Also there is tragedy everywhere, tragedy has touched every family. For example, my mother’s parents were killed when their car collided with a train, on their first date night after having her – my mother was 2 weeks old and orphaned. Every time I go on a date night with my husband I get scared if he is driving too fast.
    There is no way to prepare for death but to be fully present and enjoy each moment….

    • That experience of your mother’s parents was so tragic and life altering. I can understand your fear. Like you said one must enjoy each moment and at least try to secure the lives of our loved ones financially. Thanks for visiting my space and for sharing your experience.

  9. Uncertain life! I lost my dear uncle last month! Young he was, and it was all of a sudden! Great post, Rachna!

  10. I’m not one to worry about things until there’s a reason to worry, but it certainly is a good to make arrangements for loved ones, in case of your demise. Hubby and I have life insurance (no kids) but that’s the extent of it, so far. We definitely need to do more, like file our wills.

    • I agree, Debbie. Worrying is quite futile though sometimes we just can’t help worrying. You definitely seem to be following a very sound approach. Yes, the will bit needs to be done at my end as well.

  11. I am like you. Everyone has to forward me their tickets and itinerary. I never fight when people go out. Even if I am super annoyed, I say all the nice things. I am little scared of the uncertainties of life.

  12. I think that there is, possibly, a remnant still of the superstition – to think of (or plan for) something untoward is to invite that thing on you. Much more difficult if you have to talk of it to your significant other. But most certainly necessary.

  13. An honest post. Insurance policy are a necessity and as much as we don’t like to talk about our death or the death of someone in the family, we need to be prepared by way of having insurance coverage!

  14. Well said, Rachna.

    I think we all need to be prepared for ‘Death.’ I know most of us don’t like that word, but it is certain to come one day.
    Being Financially Healthy and being Happy in life is something we can control ourselves.

  15. Hi Rachana, I came across your blog today, and it is a pretty cool space that you have created here. What you spoke about in the post is SO true, and even knowing that, I am guilty of not being prepared. I constantly worry, but do not act. Sigh. This post is just the trigger I needed to put it on my TODO and work on it ASAP. Thank you so much!

    • Hey Shanaya, Welcome here. I can understand. I have taken some steps too of late especially since I have been pondering over this topic for a while. Thanks for your warm words. Welcome to my space.

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