Further to my previous post and my meeting with the Principal, Siddharth fell sick and did not attend school for the last week. He resumed this Monday and still has a cough and cold, albeit subsiding. I wrote an email to the Principal yesterday and there was prompt action today. To cut a long story short, the boys were identified, pulled up and punished. It still amazes me that 9-year-old boys were capable of this act. They admitted to it ! Astonishing, indeed.

I don’t know whether this growing intolerance is going to consume us all some day. Look at how we are slowly becoming more exclusive in terms of culture, language, customs, religions and other water-tight compartments we have created for ourselves. I am happy that prompt action was taken. I wonder though whether the boys understood and really felt that what they did was wrong and inhumane and did they really become better or more aware individuals at that? I have no answers…….

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