bullies parents

This incident happened about a week back and frustrated me immensely. I waited to cool down substantially before penning it down. Let me give a little background first. The community where I live has boys and girls of all ages. Most of the elder boys play games like football and cricket. This motley group has Read More →

The above advertisement does make you go Awww, doesn’t it? Fathers are our pillars of strength. Traditionally the breadwinners in our families, they left the mothering to the moms. I can’t help but think back about my own dad. My early relationship with him was a little distant. He was quiet and very particular about Read More →

He is a little boy. I remember my first meeting with him. He was visiting my home along with his grandparents. He was very young just under 2 years, I think. Since there was a language barrier between us, I spoke to him in the language that all children understand – candies, cookies and chocolates. Read More →

Becoming a mother has been a thoroughly fulfilling yet fearful experience. Before the babies were born, all that I worried about was that they be healthy. I didn’t care how they would look and what personality they would have. Just let them be healthy, God! Though all babies are wrinkled and look like little monkeys, Read More →

They tiptoe into your lives with their tiny, helpless bodies and change your lives forever. Becoming a parent is among the most joyful experiences of one’s life. It is a miracle. It is as if you have created life itself when you see that perfectly shaped wiggling replica of yours placed in your arms. This Read More →

Kids are God’s greatest gift to mankind. Parents take immense care of everything small and big from the moment the little ones arrive in this world. They want to give them all their love and the best of what they can buy! From the time of their birth and as they grow, parents take care Read More →


Christmas is almost upon us. Though, I do not celebrate Christmas at home, it has been a part of my life since childhood. The festival wasn’t celebrated at all in North India where I spent my childhood years. But, I had my own exposure through the nuns and priests of convents where I schooled. I Read More →

My younger son is 8. Compared to his brother who is 4 years older, he always seems young. You know how age is actually relative. So, Sid at 8 was a big boy while Gautam at 8 is still a child. Though he is no longer a baby, we still try to hold on to Read More →

It is Children’s Day today. A day when we celebrate our bundles of joy. A day that they enjoy spending in school as they get a break from uniforms and classwork. Spent in fun, festivity and pampering, the children look forward to going to school today. My children are also curious as to how we Read More →

Becoming a parent has made me more patient, calmer and a worrier for life. I no longer take my decisions frivolously. I worry about my children’s health and safety every living minute. This has also made me more conscious of my own choices and living. Though I live in the present, I plan. This is Read More →