Yes, my 400th post! Thanks to blogger for remembering it :). I completed 3 years of blogging in July. Initially what started as a personal diary soon turned into a place where I wrote anything that I had an opinion on (and I have so many :)). My interests like cooking, reading, movies, fitness, politics, books, travel, parenting, relationships reflect in my posts. Anything personal put in the public domain remains private no longer. I’ve learnt this the harder way due to some incidents involving certain  posts that I had to pull down later. I had to even apologize to someone because they got hurt unintentionally. So less of personal stuff now. Sometimes, I am itching to write about something, after all we use our experiences in writing but I desist due to causing hurt. In that sense, I’ve become smarter. But my blog is still a reflection of what I feel and think, that will never change, and if someone thinks that I am judgmental and critical, then they are right :).
My blog helped me in sharpening and evolving my writing skills. I started my career as a professional writer too after I began blogging. I met and got to know some really wonderful bloggers along the way. There are times when acquaintances, friends, relatives have met me and told me that they read my blog and enjoy reading it. It is gratifying and uplifting.  It motivates me to keep writing no matter how busy I am.
Some old bloggers have stopped blogging or are taking sabbaticals but I remember them often hoping that they will be back.  I’ve lost some along the way, and some have lost me :). Almost all have taught me new things, new opinions, new styles of writing… Sometimes, certain comments that I read surprise me with their depths and really give new dimensions to the thinking. Some are so encouraging and some really critical, making me think and introspect. Beyond the “nice post,” “well written” those are the comments I crave for. Though sometimes, I leave comments like “nice picture, nice post” when I am at a loss of what else to write :).
A blog is your private space, and you have a right to do as you wish. But a few pointers for all bloggers could be
  • Keep the language clean: Too many mistakes shows that you don’t even care to proofread your own matter and too much abusive language or graphic content could end up offending many.
  • Get to the point quickly: If the post is too long, it takes the attention away. I don’t know about others but rambling gets on to me.
  • Don’t be touchy feely: If you can’t handle criticism, don’t write about contentious topics. 
  • Interaction is the reason why one writes blog posts else why not write a personal diary on your PC. Hence, acknowledge and reply to those who visit your space. I always find it strange when people don’t reply whether it be emails, comments or anything else. I mean, I am not a mind reader. How would I know what you wish to say in return?
  • Commenting is not tit for tat but if you only expect others to find what you write appealing and don’t want to read what they write then it is a one-way street. Eventually, very few will want to read what you write. Blogging is all about connection.
  • Listen: Each one of us thinks that what we think and write is worth a lot. But, what others say is also equally incredible, only if we would have open minds.
  • Don’t be arrogant: If you think you are the best, that is fine. But if you think that others are below you then you will be unhappy with the entire process of blogging. Enjoy the interaction.
  • No genre is inferior: Do not look down upon certain type of writing or genres. To each blogger, their space is sacred. You might not like what they write, and you do not need to visit them but don’t belittle them.
  • Do not spam or abuse: I am totally against those who come with a personal agenda of humiliating the blogger. You can show dissent in a decent manner, but you cannot abuse me in my own space. I will hit back or delete your comment and add you to my spammer’s list.
Thanks to all the lovely bloggers who have made me a part of their lives and allowed me to share theirs. Strangely, I feel as if I know you closely and hope to meet you as time progresses. 
I blog when I am happy, sad, need encouragement, feel naughty, feel bitchy, feel like zilch, feel like a million bucks… I blog to unwind!
PS: Picture courtesy: graur codrin/ 

62 Thoughts on “400th!

  1. Congratulations Rachna ! Happy 400th !Will come back later to read the post .(at work).

  2. @Kavita Thanks! That was quick and so sweet :).

  3. not much into commenting nwadays…but yea i drop by and well hell a lot of congrats

  4. 400th !!! bapre! m still reeling hehhe
    m still @ 73! congratualtions Rachna. i have always found ur blog interesting & worthy of all the accolades u’ve received & of course, my precious time :))) (just kidding d last bit)

    u r abso correct whn u say some posts need to get to d point quickly, just going on & on gets to me too

    & also abt commenting, i agree. our readers take time & with patience read what we say.

  5. @Jon Thanks! I can sense some sort of change in you through your writing as well.

    @Sujatha I know; likhte likhte kitni door aa gaye :). Thanks for your sweet words. I enjoy your bubbly posts too and love the little snippets of your life that you share.

  6. That’s awesome Rachna. 400 Mark – Congratulations!

    I agree with your pointer tips for better blogging.. Love reading your posts.

    May you reach 4000 post soon..

  7. That’s awesome Rachna. 400 Mark – Congratulations!

    I agree with your pointer tips for better blogging.. Love reading your posts.

    May you reach 4000 post soon..

  8. That’s awesome Rachna. 400 Mark – Congratulations!

    I agree with your pointer tips for better blogging.. Love reading your posts.

    May you reach 4000 post soon..

  9. That’s awesome Rachna. 400 Mark – Congratulations!

    I agree with your pointer tips for better blogging.. Love reading your posts.

    May you reach 4000 post soon..

  10. That’s awesome Rachna. 400 Mark – Congratulations!

    I agree with your pointer tips for better blogging.. Love reading your posts.

    May you reach 4000 post soon..

  11. That’s awesome Rachna. 400 Mark – Congratulations!

    I agree with your pointer tips for better blogging.. Love reading your posts.

    May you reach 4000 post soon..

  12. That’s awesome Rachna. 400 Mark – Congratulations!

    I agree with your pointer tips for better blogging.. Love reading your posts.

    May you reach 4000 post soon..

  13. That’s awesome Rachna. 400 Mark – Congratulations!

    I agree with your pointer tips for better blogging.. Love reading your posts.

    May you reach 4000 post soon..

  14. congrats Rachna!,and you have made some very valid points..specially the last two.

  15. hey I was reading ur real old posts at 1am one night ! yes u have indeed come a long way and so mature in the posts now. cant find any flaw.havent seen u hurting anyone though.

  16. Congrats , keep writing .

  17. Happy 400th!

    I started my blog purely as a gardening diary but real life and reading other blogs quickly changed the format.

    I know that sometimes I have written posts which others find a little too emotional and later I wonder what possessed me to post something so raw but it does help and the truth is no-one has to read it if they don’t want to.

    I enjoy reading your blog and seeign things from a different perspective.

  18. congratulations and celebrationss…

    400 posts chakk te fattte 🙂 well done

    Thank you for the pointers .. will keep them in mind

    and heres wishes many many 400’s more to come 🙂

    Love reading all ur articles ..


  19. Congrats Rachna. It is an achievement.
    What you said is very correct on certain issues.
    Regarding replying to comments, somehow, I don’t always, sometimes I do reply also. Also I feel very bad to say something in the comments, which the person may take it in a wrong way, at such times instead of falsely agreeing to their mindset, I feel it is better I don’t comment at all, and even then I feel bad that I am visiting their blog and not commenting,then, when I comment what I really feel about the subject, the person does feel a little offended, and one can see in their defensive replies.
    I think basically we all write what we feel like in a particular moment and expect, others to understand our point of view and write comments in that tone.
    We are all friends sharing our feelings, and I feel no one should ever feel like we don’t like them, and that we are deliberately waiting to pounce on them. If they feel like that then I think like you, they should avoid such topics.
    As far as language is concerned I am definitely not good in editing, I just write as I feel like, also I think I should learn to write short comments, or it will become “likthe , likthe kanha pounch gaye, I must try to have more order in my writing.
    Of course, people can leave if they find it too boring as your friend has rightly said for we first write for ourselves.

  20. @Ashwini Thank you dear. I like reading your diary too. I am happy you liked the pointers.

    @Renu Thank you! I enjoy reading your posts and your points of view too. Most times, we might not agree on a few points, but you are one of the few who takes criticism really well and has a lucid thought process. I hope you are enjoying your time in London and that the recent riots did not affect you in any way.

    @Vani thanks so much! okay, so that were you :). Yes, I pulled down those posts. There was one which was actually praising in nature but some of the comments in that post made that person feel very upset. It is sad when things are misread sometimes. I was prompt in removing that post. Thanks, yes I feel the same way. I am evolving in my writing, perhaps because I am doing so much work professionally it helps! And, I hope about that not hurting bit is true too because these days I make a conscious effort in that direction. Sure will check the link.

    @Abhinav Thanks and welcome to my space Abhinav!

    @jane You have been a person with whom I can relate on many levels, and we’ve discussed some emotional stuff too. I really enjoy your book reviews as I am a book lover myself. And, you do write well maintaining so many blogs.

  21. @bikram Thank you jee. Of course, who does not enjoy reading bikram’s posts because he writes straight from the heart and is warm and compassionate.

    @rama Thanks! I understand what you are saying about comments, but I have read many of your comments on others’ posts, and on the contrary, I feel that your comments are detailed, make sense and I never felt that your opinions are biased. Perhaps because I relate a lot to what you say or write, so I might feel that way :). Personally, I don’t mind someone disagreeing, and we can show dissent in a polite way. I just believe that all points of view must be expressed in a polite manner and to convery one’s point even if different and not to offend the other. After all, this is not a “jee huzoor” forum. Yes, one can leave if they wish. That’s always a choice. But, personally if I care about someone, I would go an extra mile to explain. I actually wait for your comment on my blog because you always offer something of merit to me. I enjoy that and hope that living in Bangalore we will meet some day :).

  22. Yahoooooo……oooooh!!

    Celebrating with you on your achievement!

    Wishes for many more 400th’s (does it even make sense) on the way!

    Yeah, it feels like I know you too. 🙂

  23. Wow! 400 and 3 yrs congrats!

  24. I met you through Amrit’s blog and I take this opportunity to thank Amrit for bringing so many beautiful people into my blogger-life. We have known each other for only last few posts and i want you to know that i like what you write and how you write.Thanks for sharing the tips as they have come out after a lot of experience .Mutual sharing helps us to grow and learn from each other.I wish you many more happy years of blogging .Keep writing you do it wonderfully .

  25. @NRIGirl Thanks! I know absolutely makes no sense :). I enjoy your posts done with sincerity especially your blogger interviews, crossword and new things that you do.

    @Vijay Thanks a ton :).

    @kavita That’s really so sweet, kavita. Really touched! I want to thank Amrit too for bringing you, Insignia and others he had covered in his blog, truly inspiring bloggers, into my life. I really do love your love for the North east, its culture, and how you take us through breathtaking journeys through lands less explored. Thanks for your inspiring words; they egg me on!

  26. congrats boss..u deserve all the praise for yr consistency and lucid posts..u r also a good friend to most of us here..from 400 to 4000…and beyond..v will all be with u..god willing..

  27. Rachna,

    I completely agree with every line you wrote. Congratulations on 400th blog and congratulation on penning down your thoughts so eloquently.

    The best sentence “I met and got to know some really wonderful bloggers along the way.”….I assume you are referring to me also in those :)))

  28. Wow! congrats. Lets get to read more of you.

    I started reading you late; but better late than never 🙂

  29. MUBARAK HO…..:))

    Keep Blogging, i always look forward to go through your write ups….

    Best wishes,

  30. @Ramesh Thanks boss! One of my oldest blogger friends, it has been a pleasure interacting with you. And your Mulla Nasruddin jokes and posts are awesome. Yes, the interesting journey continues :).

    @A Thanks for the lovely words. Of course, it includes you :). Thank you for introducing some really wonderful bloggers to all of us. Thanks to the blogging world, I get to meet so many nice people around the world. Enjoy your pictures and sense of humor!

    @Insignia I feel the same way about your writing! Better late than never :).Thanks again.

    @Irfan Shukriya!Thanks so much for the wonderful words. I look forward to your posts too.

  31. My best wishes.In my opinion,if the content is good, one is sure to get read about and get comments.

  32. Thats some milestone…congrats Rachna.

  33. @BKC Content is the key. Structure is of importance too :).

    @Alka Thanks!

  34. That’s some milestone! Congrats and wish you many more such milestones. Liked your checklist for bloggers too 🙂

  35. Congratulations. 400th! Phew, amazing. You are right when you say that we crave for something more than nice post, but well if the reader means those two words, then I feel happier.

    If I quote a friend here, he says: Best thing about blogging is that there are no rules of blogging. You can write whatever you want to. Rant or give gyaan. If they are interesting enough, people will read you, otherwise nobody will give a damn. About replying to comments, I don’t reply to comments anymore as I don’t get much time these days. I prefer to write a new post than replying to comments on my post on rants. Legal topic posts too I try to give as much information as I can, and if there are questions beyond what I have already mentioned, then I reply to those. Like I said, there are no rules of blogging.

    I am fine if someone does not repky to my comments/questions, I would not judge that person on the basis of that. And I really appreciate those who take the pain of replying to each and every comment they get.

    See I rant everywhere. You can choose not to reply to my rants 🙂

    Congratulations once again!

  36. @cybernag Hey thanks for the wonderful words.

    @Neha Hi neha. Welcome here. Yes, each of us is different and wants different things :). There are people who write once in a while, don’t care if someone visits them or don’t visit others. My feeling is that if I go to someone’s blog, leave a comment, come back and don’t even get an acknowledgement or a return comment. Perhaps, I might visit once or twice, but if the interaction is lacking, I am surely bound to lose that blogger no matter how well he/she writes. This is because, in my opinion, we all look to interact and meet new and exciting people through our blogs. It is fine if someone does not comment back but at least has an interaction of some form. To me, it is important to interact :). There are some blogs we read but lose them because the content is not appealing enough. So, each one is different. Thanks anyway. Great to listen to different approaches too :).

  37. That’s a big milestone you have covered! 🙂 Congrats Rachna! I have enjoyed reading your posts on travel, family and issues political and social. Of late, I have been busy with studies and work and have missed reading your blog among some others, which I frequented. I hope to be regular soon. 🙂 Meanwhile, keep up the good work! Congrats again!

  38. Hello Rachna,

    Congrats fr the 400th post. u reached so far with extra speed. This is a moment when I feel jealous, for as you know, I have been blogging for the last four years, but not yet crossed even the 100 limit..

    and thank you very much fr sharing that wonderful tips on writing..

    wishing you many more years f writing and 100s of thought provoking posts..

  39. Hello Rachna,

    Congrats fr the 400th post. u reached so far with extra speed. This is a moment when I feel jealous, for as you know, I have been blogging for the last four years, but not yet crossed even the 100 limit..

    and thank you very much fr sharing that wonderful tips on writing..

    wishing you many more years f writing and 100s of thought provoking posts..

  40. Congrats rachna…and what lovely way of expressing shows how you captured those blogging posts and comments!
    I agree when you say …its not tit for tat…and too much personal stuff to be published ..if only one can handle the feedbacks…
    ..I love the pointers…fully justified..
    keep writing and keep smiling gurl!
    love ya!

  41. Dear rachna, I cam over from Jane’s blog and when I read this is your 400th post, must stop and congratulate you. You sound like first and foremost and honest writer. I like how concisely you say what is on your mind and agree with your points on blogging, especially the one about finding what others have to say equally important…this is so true! I have learned a lot and sometimes been challenged by others and appreciate it so much…maybe I have been stretched as a person at times because you truly do meet such a wide array of people with their own beliefs and opinions. Wonderful.:) I look forward to reading more here and wish you a great day!

  42. @Destiny’s child Thank you! I’ve missed you too! Hope to see you post more often.

    @Tomz Thank you so much! Actually, there is no set pace at which I write. Sometimes, due to being busy I post only once a week.

    @Harman Hi, such sweet and warm words! Thanks so much. I enjoy reading your posts too full of fun and humor. I am happy that you enjoyed the post.

  43. @colleen Welcome to my space! Thank you for your wonderful words. Yes, indeed one meets so many different people on the blog and sometimes the opinion could really shock you. But, I just take it as a point of view and try not to get worked up :).

  44. And we love the way you are. Congrats and more posts expected.

  45. Thank you Holy Lama. So sweet!

  46. congrats rachna .u r really doing well on the blogging field.I liked the pointers to the bloggers.It really makes a difference when the fellow blogger visits your space or values your comments and replies to them.

  47. @Raji Thank you so much. Am happy that you enjoyed the post.

  48. Congratulations for completing 4th century of blog posts.The tips u hv given to fellow bloggers are really useful, thanks for sharing those

  49. @maverickshree Thanks so much, and thanks for visiting here :).

  50. Great tips, Rachna! I am a latecomer here. Congrats!! You are pretty close to 500 now!
    I recently read an interview on BlogAdda, where a veteran blogger said that “don’t even consider yourself a blogger until you have written 500 posts.” It brought me to ground from my flight of fancy. I am not even close to 150!

  51. Giribala, what you write are pure gems! 500 is just a number. Personally, I feel numbers do not reflect anything. Thank you for your kind words, and I have enjoyed interacting with you.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I had not read this post earlier. Maybe becoz I had taken a break then.
    Reading this post felt like reading my mind but the only difference is that I am not a professional yet.
    Blogging has given me confidence and a new direction to life. I started on a search and now know my goal.
    BTW, nice post 😛

    • Thank you, Bhagyashree! I understand what you are saying. You have been one of my oldest blog readers, and I look forward to your feedback — critical or otherwise :). You are progressing in the direction of teaching, isn’t it?

    • No, I am a student of spiritual sciences. Occasionally I do teach children.

  54. Don’t know if my back-dated compliment may sound warm but hey, congratulations on those four centuries! I agree to most of what you have said above except of course you have let the slimy trolls slip by your filter.

  55. Thank you Subhorup! I read it again to reminisce and caught a couple of errors too ;-).

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