When I look back, I feel that compared to the over involved parents of today, our parents were more chilled out or let’s say detached. Objectively I am not a helicopter parent either. I was just reminiscing how they were so much more carefree when it came to their kids. Here are some things our Read More →

Domestic Abuse

Suddenly out of nowhere while having a perfectly loving conversation, he hits her, hard on the face. She hits him back and then he gives it back even worse. I was watching this TV series Big Little Lies when the sudden blow received by Nicole Kidman from her husband character made me flinch. It was Read More →

gratitude January

Strange title, isn’t it? I could not think of anything else when the month has been so challenging. I had to dig deep to find things to be grateful for. It was a testing month for sure. Here’s a recap of how the month went by: Health and Fitness: January was not a very good Read More →

how to deal with disrespectful child

Most people thought that teens were the toughest to deal with. Well, it begins with tweens. Since the past few months, I am having a tough time dealing with my tween who seems to flit from one emotion to another in a matter of minutes. But what gets my goat most often is the disrespect. Read More →

pressure teens

As soon as one becomes a parent there is a fierce need to protect your child. When they are tiny, we are constantly stressing about falls and injuries. As they get older and start going to school, we suffer angst about incidents of bullying, loss of good friends and time management. And when they are Read More →

boy who was bullied

This overweight boy sits in one corner of his class. From time to time he looks up but turns away his eye as soon as makes eye contact. He sits alone. He does not mind it too much. It is better than sitting with someone who does not like him. But, it is lunch time or projects Read More →

gratitude november

Yesterday my older son was browsing through my blog and in a complaining tone he asked how come I had not updated this blog. Though I have been writing more on the cooking blog and travel blog of late, there has been no post on this blog for more than a week. He enquired, not even Read More →

Tween Tantrums

A regular scene in my home: The two boys are at the dining table, laughing and chattering noisily. Suddenly, the conversation grows animated. Some screaming is thrown in the mix. And then the tween gets mad, says something nasty in a high-pitched voice; there is an exchange of angry words as the teen bellows in Read More →