good home fruit and vegetable wash1

I enjoy cooking at home with fresh and local produce. My husband grows a few vegetables, fruits and herbs in his organic terrace garden. The best part about these vegetables and fruits is their crackling freshness and the fact that they are completely devoid of any pesticides and toxic chemicals. Often, when we buy fruits and vegetables from the market, we really don’t know how healthy they are, laden as they are with artificial waxes, dirt and impurities, germs and pesticides. When I see the shiny apples, I am always put off with their artificially waxed appearance.

When I got the opportunity to review Good Home’s Vegetable and Fruit Wash, I was quite happy since I have always been concerned about the safety of our vegetables and fruits that we consume.

What is Good Home Vegetable and Fruit Wash?

This is a mild perfumed liquid wash that guarantees 95% removal of bacteria and fungus from fruits and vegetables after washing in a solution of Good Home Vegetable and Fruit Wash diluted in water.

Method to use:

Add 10 ml. of Good Home Vegetable and Fruit Wash in 1 litre of water. Soak fruits or vegetables in it for 3 minutes. Rinse off with fresh water. Your fruits and vegetables are now free of bacteria and fungus. It is really quite simple.

My review:


  • It is very simple to use with clear instructions on the pack.
  • The fruits and vegetables look clean after the wash.
  • The mild product gets washed off easily. It leaves no residual smell on the produce.
  • It is a painless and simple way to achieve germ-free vegetables and fruits ready for consumption.
  • The packaging of a tall bottle with a flip top cover is convenient and easy to use and store.
  • It cleans the product as all the soaking and rinsing also takes out dirt and impurities.


  • It does not come with a measure for measuring out 10 ml.
  • It needs a bit of soaking which increases the time of washing vegetables or fruits. This may not work in those times when you are in a rush.

Some other observations:

  • It is not clear whether the product removes other unwanted things like wax from fruits and pesticides or harmful chemicals apart from fungus and bacteria that it claims to remove.
  • It is also not clear exactly what type of bacteria and fungus it removes and how.
  • I am not sure for how long the cleansed fruits and vegetables maintain their bacteria and fungus free states. Do they have to be used immediately after cleaning?
  • There is no real way of judging its efficacy as one can really not know if the fungus and bacteria have been removed. But then that also applies to the kitchen cleaners and bathroom cleaners that we use.
  • The pack says very little about what ingredients are used in the product except that it has Tulasi extracts. I would be interested in knowing the other constituents of the product.

Overall, my experience of use with the product has been good so far. Priced at Rs. 100 for 500 ml., it lasts quite long and comes for multiple washes of fruits and vegetables.   I think it is a great product for Indian conditions where our fruits and vegetables generally transition from mandis to retailers to our homes and get laden with many germs, bacteria and fungus in the bargain.

good home fruit and veg wash 2

14 Thoughts on “Good Home Vegetable and Fruit Wash Review

  1. That’s a new product but to be honest, I won’t be comfortable using it.

  2. I also have my reservations. I generally add some salt or vinegar to a vessel of water and soak the veggies and fruits for ten minutes. I guess I am happy with that. I have my reservations because I am not quite sure what hidden chemicals and ingredients are added to that liquid.

    • Yes, you are right, Susan. I think any such product needs to disclose all its components so that people are satisfied that they are not adding more chemicals. After all it is fruits and vegetables we are talking about here.

  3. Like Susan said, soaking vegetables in water and giving them a good scrub is as effective. I could certainly do with a product that gets rid of pesticides and that awful smell, especially in spinach leaves and beetroot.

  4. Jenny Shetty on August 18, 2014 at 10:46 am said:

    I had no clue we had something like that to wash veggies and fruits. I am not sure if I would use that, a bit apprehensive. Its great you grow fresh organic veggies in your terrace.

    • It is relatively new in the market. I had no qualms in trying it out but I would like more information about its constituents and action. Thanks yes, all credit goes to hubby.

  5. but isnt this wash also made of some sort of stuff 🙂 which may be harmful to the fruits ..

    and ooh yes i finally got my tomatoes and coriander and reddish and onions coming up toooooooooo at home 🙂

    • Exactly my thoughts, Bikram. Though they do mention Tulasi extracts. I also wonder what other ingredients are put in. Using it was rather easy but I worry about the hidden chemicals too. And yay to all the veggies that you’ve managed to grow :). Onions too, wow!

  6. interesting.. but Rachna, doesn’t that wash also have chemicals?
    I think a good scrub might work better na? Esp if you have one of those tiny brushes?

    • That is exactly what I want to know, Pixie. If it has chemicals then I’d be very wary using it. It just claims to have Tulasi extract. I normally do soak my fruits and veggies in water. I wonder if that is enough to kill germs.

  7. Sreenivaasan on August 27, 2014 at 2:14 pm said:

    Hi, I am Sreeni and am from TTK Healthcare which markets the above product. Would like to place the following , with out bias, for your information.

    – The said product is meant to remove the germs and fungus from the vegetables and
    – Other than Tulsi extracts it contains chlorohexidine Gluconate (as mentioned in the
    – Cholrohexidine Gluconate is used otherwise in Mouthwashes by the pharma industry.
    – This product is not designed to handle waxes or pesticide.
    – It is best, if vegetables are washed just before cooking/consumption.
    – for more info pls visit and like us in
    Thanks for this opportunity.

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