unfriendly kids

There was a time when parents controlled kids. Yes, kids of my generation. Most of us grew up having a pally relationship with our moms and a distant one with our dads whom we feared. A normal way to stifle our mischief was when mom told us, “Wait for your dad to come back from Read More →

reader #gratitude

You know when you would find kids being diligent about new hobbies and stuff like reading books especially when you don’t want them to? Exam time. That’s right. Since parents do not have enough on their plates chasing after errant kids, the kids decide to make it even harder. So the younger son, well he Read More →

chlldren exams

So exams are done and dusted almost (the elder son finishes tomorrow). But for me, they were over last week when the younger son finished his. Why? Because the elder son studies on his own. And apart from regular reminders to go and study, I hardly do much. In this post, I have already written Read More →

men in my life

I was watching this video, and it struck a chord – the easy camaraderie and the banter between the husband and wife. The skirting around a sensitive topic, yet conveying the much-needed message. It is no secret that men and women empower each other. Having been married for more than a decade and a half, Read More →

such is life #gratitude

I am not one to mope over things that did not work out the way I expected them to. It is not that they don’t hurt but moving on is the only choice we have. Hence these gratitude posts help a lot. They make me focus on finding the tiniest positive experiences when a certain Read More →

We share a love-hate relationship with our domestic helps here in India. If you can find a good one, you hold on to her tight. A good help, however, can easily get poached. So you pamper her with honeyed smiles. Your bad moods are never for her to endure. You smile when she tells you Read More →

Parenting is a tough job; all parents will vouch for that. It gets even more difficult when your child is very different from you in their thinking and behaviour. Have you noticed that? I have two sons. While the elder son has taken a few of my traits and interests, the younger son is very Read More →