I am not one to mope over things that did not work out the way I expected them to. It is not that they don’t hurt but moving on is the only choice we have. Hence these gratitude posts help a lot. They make me focus on finding the tiniest positive experiences when a certain time period has been challenging (as February was) and that is exactly what I will do.
My tooth work is finally over or at least that is what I hope. After an abscess complicated healing, the root canal was pushed forward. Finally, I understood why I was in so much pain. To cut a long, painful story short, I have now got a crown and the tooth is now normal. But it does seem a bit higher so I guess I will have to visit the dentist once more. I am grateful for my own patience that has helped me bide over some very trying time and a lot of pain. I have become much more conscious of my oral hygiene and am pushing the kids to have better oral habits as well.
Workwise, I am in a calmer space just now. I am working with some good clients/brands. Working with professionals always is a pleasure. I am also managing my time better now. That is always good, right?
Still struggling with a way to handle the younger son’s studies, I’ve decided to let him manage his own revision. No more sitting up asking him questions. It has been easier on both of us. Of course, I supervise him but there is less pressure and more ownership of responsibility by him. Will let you guys know how this progresses. But his temper tantrums are still not so easily manageable. Well, who said parenting was easy? Trying to do my best.
I have been actively working on my patience. I realise that I can get quite hyper about things not really under my control. My hormones are not helping either. But yes, being conscious is the first step. I have noticed a change in my own peace of mind. I don’t get irked as easily or react. You may have noticed that if you are following me on social media. I like this space I am in and would like to continue it as much as possible.
Finally, this is the first month when I saw my food blog catch up with my first baby (in terms of traffic), the blog you are reading now. There is a tinge of pride and immense joy when your second child finally catches up with the high performer in the family (no puns intended). Never realised how much of a passion cooking was for me. And you know what elates me the most? When I get messages or updates from friends/people that they tried out my recipes and enjoyed them. Food is a gift, and I would love to spread it far and wide. Here’s to happy eating and cooking at home.
Workout has been more or less on track. Exercising gives me strength. It makes me feel happy and it is never related to weight goals for me. My Vitamin D deficiency is also better as I feel my fatigue getting progressively better.
The weather has turned from chilly to excruciating hot in the daytime in a matter of a few days. Looks like March and April will be quite harsh.
This month was tough on a couple of friends as they suffered through ill-health and losses. My healing prayers and thoughts for them. I hope you will take a moment to wish them well. After all, there is a lot of power in good thoughts and prayers.
Finally, February is the birth month of both my sister-in-law and my sister. Two wonderful ladies who have a very important place in my life. Wishing them both happiness, good health and long life.
Here’s to March! Please be kind.
Pic courtesy: Nikki Zalewski and Maria Dryfhout on Shutterstock.
Do join Vidya with the Gratitude Circle.
I am thrilled that you are the first to link up at the Gratitude Circle, Rachna!
I have been thinking of you quite a lot, especially since I read about your dental work. I have some pending and feel guilty about delaying it…at my risk and cost, of course.
I have a feeling your younger son’s studying situation will work out satisfactorily to you both. ♥
Congrats on your food blog marching ahead! I hope this year I’ll do justice to mine! Certainly not due to a lack of photos or recipes 🙂
Sending your friends healing vibes!
March WILL be kind and I am sure of it. Let’s just ignore the weather eh?
Thanks Vidya. I’ve been so regular with the gratitude posts that l wait for your linkup. I do hope that you don’t delay your tooth work any more, it just makes it worse.
Thanks for your warmth, love and support as always.
I do hope that the tooth fairy pays you a visit and makes sure your tooth is fixed!
This is my first time over here and I definitely want to check out your food blog. I love learning new recipes and tips. My mother is always surprised when I tell her something new as I’ve only started cooking recently. I love the look on her face! 🙂
I do need to find my ‘calm space’ as I am a bit of a control freak. Reading other people’s gratitude posts reminds me of all the things that did go well for me and makes me feel a lot happier!
Hope March comes sprinkled with many smiles for you!
Hi Anitha, So good to have you here. You can check out rachnacooks.com for the recipes. Ah I can imagine the thrill of your mother. ☺️
Thank you. I love reading gratitude posts as well. Wish you a happy March.
So you’ve been crowned! Heh heh!!Hope you settle down soon with it. On a serious note I was struggling with my gratitude post (as usual) even though I have committed to write it every month. And as usual, I dropped by here and suddenly my head is teeming with ideas. Exam time is round the corner for the twins too and we’re struggling but we’ll get by. Good luck to you too.
Hehe Yes. The crown seems a bit big though. Another trouble. I am glad to provide ideas. Every month when l sit to write this post, I wonder if I’ll be able to write it. But then words flow though Jan and Feb have brought forth much transition and turmoil. Hoping to keep my chin up.
Oh yes, March is all about exams. Sigh! Good luck to you too.
So sorry to hear about the tooth issues, Rachna! Have been so tied up with my own health that I haven’t kept in touch with anyone this month. 🙁 Thank you for checking in on me despite all that you’ve been through. So touched.
Regarding the younger son, I think that’s the best approach for now. That works with Gy too. Well, next year will be the true test as she enters Grade 6 so will wait and watch, as you say. As for professional concerns, they must surely have been challenging and I wish you well as you approach closure on them soon.
Yay on the food blog! So thrilled for you 🙂
Yes, I have noticed your moderation on social media and meant to tell you that it’s incredibly calming too. Health kept me away from most of social media anyway this month but it’s been a godsend in its own way.
And as always, lovely to read your monthly gratitude posts 🙂
That’s okay, Shy. You don’t have to thank me. I think as friends we’ve reached a stage where we can take our care for each other a bit for granted. ☺️ So happy to see you back on your feet again.
I agree with you about social media. The balance helps us enjoy it more and fret less. So glad that you joined in the gratitude post this month.
Healing works. Tooth work has always been scary for me and before the dentist proceeds to extract, I tend to yell. I think making effort to be in a happy space works big time for us and February has been a decent month, I’d say. Social media doesn’t excite me anymore. Guess, it’s a lull phase and I’ve stopped reacting to people. It’s very empowering. Our thoughts merge on happy space and calmness. Wishing you a better March with beautiful surprises.
Yeah, me too. I think I experience a jaded reaction with social media. Login once or twice a day, scan the timeline and quit; that way it does not incite anger or other emotions. Wish you a happy March too, Vishal.
Good to know that the dental work is almost done and that the Vitamin D levels are better. I have seen my mum and S suffer due to dental issues and I know it’s terrible. Don’t worry too much about G, the younger ones are like that. I have seen my sister and my mum struggle with her. Try not to worry much. And so good to know about your food blog. No surprises there because your recipes are easy to follow. I hope you have a wonderful March. Take care 🙂
Thanks, Naba.
Be happy that your tooth problem didn’t start when you were on a trip abroad. We often take certain things for granted. Things can go downhill pretty fast before we can realise. Last year, my friend apparently dozed on the wheel of his BMW while driving from Bombay to Pune. He and his wife met with a sad end leaving behind two kids. So we have to realise that Our today is a gift. So one ought to thank his/her maker for the present.
Absolutely! I am grateful. That is the whole purpose of these gratitude posts.
So, finally the ‘tooth’ is done and dusted with. Congrats!
Oh, yes! Nothing like a visit to the dentist to remind you about the importance of dental hygiene, right? (Although confession: I do tend to forget about it once the pain subsides 😛 )
Glad to know that your work is good and that your patience levels are right up there with certain ‘zen’ people 😛
I know you’ve had a very tough February – hopefully the coming months will be better.
In the meantime, what is with the heat in Bangalore? It’s soooo hot!
PS: Congrats on the food blog milestones – I’m sure it’ll keep doing well.
Thank you, Sid. The showers yesterday helped but we do need more to take care of this sudden heat.
Glad to hear that the tooth stuff is over. I have been through that and I know it is an ordeal. My issues are there but I just focus on oral hygiene 😉
So good to know that the food blog is gaining momentum. You are a rock, Rachna. Will all that you manage successfully, this was just another thing. 🙂 I love the food blog of yours. It has got simple recipes and I know I can fall back on it when I get the bug to cook.
Patience is important – whether with writing or with studies. Things will work for sure.
Have a lovely March and we all need to catch up before it gets too hot 😛
Thank you, Parul. Yes, we really should. Let’s plan something in April. March is filled with kids’ exams.
Its so encouraging to know that you chose to be grateful, despite so many challenges in this month. Glad that you are able to deal with the dental issues, helping your kids. to manage themselves. Sorry to hear about your friends, hope they have recovered. wishing you a great month ahead !!
Thank you for your warm words, Angela.
Hi Rachna,happy that your tooth torture has finally ended.I too went through it a week back.
Like you,I too get worked up .easily but age has mellowed me somewhat.Patience comes slowly.
Don’t worry about your son,they learn as they grow.
Love n hugs.