Do you have some fun, some good and some bad experiences while traveling? I have had loads of memorable travel experiences and today I am sharing some of these experiences of mine on Deepa’s blog. Deepa of Deepa’s Kaleidoscope is a warm, fun and friendly person. She loves writing fiction and does it pretty well. Her blog is a place where you will find eclectic topics that will engage any reader.

Do hop over and read my fun post at her space:

24 Thoughts on “Quirky Travel Tales!

  1. That’s a wonderfully entertaining and fun post, Rachna! Enjoyed it! 🙂

  2. It was fun reading the post. Keep travelling and writing:)

  3. Very entertaining post… 🙂

  4. hey, that was a wonderful read rather a fun read barring the second last paragraph which is absolutely outstanding!! God bless you!

  5. Going there now. 🙂

  6. Going there now. 🙂

  7. Off to have a read. Like the new background – so warm!

  8. I will go there now. Your new template is so nice; fit for autumn. And yeah I have lots of such travel tales 🙂

  9. super! read it on her blog, commented there 🙂

  10. I’ll definitely go over! By the way, in appreciation of my readers and commentors, I posted this today: Do come over and check it out!

  11. Haha, loved it Rachna. I wonder if I met you in California 🙂

  12. Going there…in a second. 🙂

  13. dekha
    reply bhi kiya 🙂 he he he he


  14. Rachna,

    Navigated and read the post. It is curiosity which makes people stare at someone who is outsider and I think this is universal. I fully agree with you about not smiling while in India as that can most to the times cause trouble. Nice account of different places.

    Take care

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