Wow! Just the thought of shopping for clothes, jewellery of the chunky, daily kind, books sets me drooling :). I think I could spend so much time just browsing through books in a bookstore where I can get to see the latest labels and read a bit here and there. Clothes – one can never have enough of :). I always look at anything new, colorful – mostly Tees or western wear coz I wear them the most but I love to shop for traditional Indian saris and salwar kameezes as well. Just feeling the different fabrics and the beautiful hues can brighten my mood. Though I window shop a lot, when I have to do some serious buying I am very focussed. I enter a shop, know exactly what I want and buy it. I am not one to go to 10 different shops, haggle for ages and then buy. Both my husband and I are very similar in our shopping habits, thankfully !!! With kids, we have become super quick before one of them breaks out into a whine or breaks something in the store – we have to be out of there…

There is something about these colorful earrings, beads bracelets, bindis which holds my fancy. I just have to check them out. I love teaming my clothes with these hence any color would do :). For some people shopping is therapeutic. Very rarely for me… It is mostly a painful chore. Maybe if I am not so rushed all the while…..

When I buy clothes, I really do look for Gurdev’s opinion. But he loses interest after the first couple of clothes I try and from then on gives bored looks with monosyllables as answers and I am pretty much on my own and also running out of time 🙂 (given by his looks).

I am the most confused while buying lipsticks. I have a certain shade in mind and then the lady shows me so many variations, I just do not know what to buy. Wish there were more competent salepeople to help one out.

At the end of the day, I am a wise spender and definitely not a shopaholic.

2 Thoughts on “Shopping and me :)

  1. I loved that comment about ol’ Gurdev during shopping. It’s a universal thing across the male subspecies.

    When I said ‘nice weekend’ to my manager last week, he mentioned he and his wife would go shopping. I said “Oh” and there was this one second pause in which we looked at each other with understanding. Then we both said simultaneously: “act enthusiastic!!” and almost died laughing 🙂

  2. @Bart It was hilarious – the sharing of grief at going shopping with your manager. Well, I guess it is nice of you guys to put up a brave front every time and to bear the experience. 🙂

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