A regular scene in my home: The two boys are at the dining table, laughing and chattering noisily. Suddenly, the conversation grows animated. Some screaming is thrown in the mix. And then the tween gets mad, says something nasty in a high-pitched voice; there is an exchange of angry words as the teen bellows in … Read More →
As we are aware, RTE or Right to Education has been implemented in our schools. What it essentially means is that children from socially backward backgrounds get to study in private schools to get better quality education which their government schools cannot provide. Now, getting them into a private school is just the first step. … Read More →
This is a very random post about random happenings around our home focussing on the boys. For one, their first unit tests of the new academic year are on. Today is the last day for the younger son. I must be more happy than him for sure. 😀 In case, you didn’t know, I sit … Read More →
I have two boys. Yeah, I know, ALL of you know that. I live in a house that is strongly tipped in the favor of the Y chromosome. Even my Labrador is a boy. While, that in itself makes for some really interesting and hilarious experiences, it also exposes me so much to the male … Read More →