chlldren exams

So exams are done and dusted almost (the elder son finishes tomorrow). But for me, they were over last week when the younger son finished his. Why? Because the elder son studies on his own. And apart from regular reminders to go and study, I hardly do much. In this post, I have already written Read More →

exams children

Can anyone tell me why schools give a study leave between each exam? I mean, we all know that it will be theĀ evening of the second day when the kids will actually start studying. It just increases the nuisance element for parent read work-from-home mother. My elder son is having CBSE papers for the first Read More →

How to make them self study?

It is just so painful these days especially with my younger son. For my elder son, I started him on self study from a younger age. I think by 3rd or 4th grade he had begun not only doing his home work and assignments by himself but also got into the habit of studying for Read More →

exams, results

For some strange reason, I loved exams. They gave me a rush. I enjoyed pitting my brains against what the teachers could come up with. And, then the elation of doing well was a personal victory. I still remember how back in the days when I was in school, we had ranks. Gosh, we used Read More →