power of touch

Pic courtesy: tiverylucky at Freedigitalphotos.net

There is something so powerful and invigorating about touch. You can really connect with another human being just by holding their hands in your own or patting their arm. Isn’t there something magical about finger intertwining facilitating the flow of positive energy and love from one person to another. My earliest memory, a very fond one, was of my mother gently massaging my hair as I would lay on her bed. She still did it when I was a working professional. I would steal some minutes after I woke up to go lie in her bed. She would gently put her hands through my hair, ruffling them unconsciously, making me feel so relaxed and loved. She never tired of doing it. She wouldn’t push me away after a few minutes. She just enjoyed that moment when we were silent yet immensely connected. I, of course, would linger on for as long as I could. Have you shared something like this with someone? It is so rewarding.

My younger son has a lovely, gentle touch as well. He is quiet and generally takes a long time to warm up to someone yet his touch is tender and loving. His gentle hands have kneaded away the pain from my forehead and my legs many times. He actually offers to massage your aching body and literally seems to suck the pain out. Children they thrust their hands at you in such a trusting manner that you feel responsible and grown up. Hold their hands and they will come anywhere with you. The quiet determination from your hands quickly gives them energy and strength to take up the most daunting of challenges. Don’t we hold on to the imaginary hands of our parents, long after they are not physically around?

The power of touch has been touted as having healing properties. And, I am sure that is true.  As a mother, I have seen my children being soothed by warm words and a gentle caress. Their tears dry up magically, and they feel comforted that their misery (whatever it may be) will be gone soon. Sometimes that is all adults need too but often we shy away from hugging or touching another adult. We feel they are grown up and no longer need that physical comfort or we may not know them well enough.

We human beings need to be touched, felt, loved and cherished. We may otherwise wilt and die. I remember my fondest first memory of my now-husband is of the time when he reached out and held my hands in his own. He does still have the warmest and most soothing hands. I am the more hyper of the two of us. And sometimes, I just need to hear his assuring voice and feel his comforting hands to feel at peace.

No wonder the world spends an obscene amount of money in getting massages and spas. It is that connect with another human’s hands that seems to wash away your stress and tension.

I had read somewhere that one hug in a day is enough to increase your lifespan. So touch, hold and hug your loved ones. Do spare the strangers though. 🙂

On that positive thought, let us all begin this new week. 

P.S: Sorry, I have been missing from your blogs. Have been having a busy time. But, I will be back soon. Thank you for understanding.

59 Thoughts on “The Power of Touch

  1. Guess what you say is true. Liked the last line – So touch, hold and hug your loved ones. Do spare the strangers though. I remember this strange Korean girl trying to teach me how to hug warmly during my stay in Japan.

    • hehehe Yes some of us are clearly uncomfortable with strangers hugging and kissing us while in some other cultures it is perfectly normal to do so. But in every culture, we need the human touch. Nice to see that you are back, K!

  2. Beautiful Rachna. I have noticed that in the Northern European countries, touch is not common, not even in families. This of course is only my experience but I have noticed it again and again over 11 years. Even in some families, hugs seem rare. I feel like people hunger for touch. Like you say, we need it, is IS healing.
    During the mass we make the sign of peace, generally a handshake but it is a time for reaching out, touching those around you, family, strangers. During this act in particular, I notice how hopefully some people seem to reach out, to receive this brief touch and wish for peace. Sometimes I wonder if for some people it is one of the few touches they receive from another all week.
    Beautiful post!

    • This is the third time I am typing a reply to you, Colleen. I absolutely adore your comments. They are deeply incisive and make me think. You also have a special way of making me feel beautiful and wonderful. Thank you for your presence in my life, Colleen.

      In my family as well, my father was quite averse to touch. But mom more than made up for it with her cuddles, hugs and general tone of love in which she treated us. Now that she is gone, I immensely miss her physical touch. In my own home, my husband and I are huge huggers. We want our kids to feel our love not only through our words but our touch too. I feel that you are inhibited later on in life if you are not made comfortable with good touch right at home.

      Yes, I have touched strangers too especially when I felt they are in distress. You are right. For some people perhaps it is the only touch they receive throughout the week. Sad, isn’t it!

  3. Touch, a gentle touch, truly has the power to wash away all your worries and pain…I like how my dad holds my hand, even now, while crossing the road..His touch saying he will protect me and not let any harm come my way..Or, how mom caresses my hair every time she gets the chance to oil it.. And my sister, she has the smallest of hands but her one touch is enough to melt me…Or, S’s touch saying again he will protect and take care of me every time! A touch can truly heal…

  4. Touch deprivation is one of the causes of psychological disorders, or so I read somewhere. You can never underestimate the importance of touch. THAT’s possibly why we say ‘it was touching’ to anything that really moves us 🙂

    • Yes, it is. I think those who are not exposed to good touch from childhood end up being wary of touch and a little hardened in their social interactions. Thanks for reading, Suresh.

  5. So true what you’ve said about touch. I cherish the memories of touch all through my life- my parents, my sister, my husband and my daughter. With some friends too, there is nothing quite like a good, warm hug to drive the blues away. It’s truly amazing. I am reminded of the ‘jaadu ki jhappi’ from the Munnabhai films. What can I say? I’m a sentimental fool, I guess, but I love my hugs and my exchanges of love 🙂

  6. Touch indeed has the most soothing of effects. Nice post Rachna. came after a long time to your blog and happy to see your posts still spread the warmth.

  7. So true, Simply Superb

  8. oh yeah touch can be so healing too. Some people naturally have so much warmth and comfort in their touch that you immediately feel relaxed. Hugs are the best remedy for any bad day… A warm tight hug 🙂

  9. Deepankar on September 28, 2015 at 8:11 pm said:

    So True…the magic of touch, a great healer & has immense soothing effects. Priceless & indeed one of d most precious things to own…nicely put together…great work…regards

  10. Ah, the soothing and calming effect of a simple touch, isn’t it? Though, it can get quite crazy with spouses at times. The Mrs. has cold hands and I have the warm ones. Together, we’re fine. But when it gets really cold (like it does in Europe and the rest of the places), I’ve been known to ask her to wear gloves. Needless to say – that convo didn’t go too well.

    Have a happy week, Rachna!

    • Hehe My husband says that my massage does not soothe him. Yes, it is crazy with spouses. I love his massage though. 🙂 The touch is familiar; it is comforting; it is protective. It really is quite lovely. Good to have you back. Hope the vacation was good.

  11. When I used to be a kid, my dad always came home with his office stress and he would ask me to massage his forehead..he always said that I have a very healing touch…now my hubby says the same…giving him a head massage really soothes out the days stress out of him…

    My favorite touch like you said have been of my moms..when she used to massage my head when I used to be a kid. Even now after getting married, i never miss out an opportunity to have that lovely soothing hair massage from her…

    and I love it..when my little boy plays with my hair and unknowingly gives me a soothing scalp massage….

    the power of touch… 🙂

  12. hmm well who knows maybe the Strangers might also love it 🙂

    in todays busy time we are forgetting to do all that is so very important ..

    I am such a stupid idiot that inspite of being taken for a ride by many i make sure that when i see them I give them a hug.. (maybe its my face that doesnot make them like me ) he he he he

    there is a funny incident, me being from punjab it is understood that when you meet someone you say hello and hug.. so i went to USA and met a long lost friend , he introduced me to his wife and as NORM I just took a step forward and gave her a hug.. I could see the SHOCK on her face .. 🙂

    Beautiful thought

    • Hehe Strangers may love it but I am not too comfortable hugging them. 🙂 I reach out and hug friends too. That was funny — your friend’s wife’s experience. I guess your friend must have later convinced her that you meant no harm. 🙂

  13. You have restarted with a lovely message Rachna. A soothing warm touch instantly relaxes,

  14. Very true. Touch is healing. My family was not very demonstrative and I always missed that as a child. I am making sure that I dont make that mistake with my son.

    • Thanks, Asha. In my home, my mother was very physically demonstrative but my father never hugged us. With my kids, both of us do a lot of hugging and kissing. It will make them comfortable with touch too.

  15. Udayashankar on September 29, 2015 at 5:31 am said:

    Very Good Post…Sitting here far from home…missing the touch of my dear & near…

  16. The power of gentle touch and the power of a warm smile – unmatched. I am demonstrative when it comes to cuddles and snuggles but then I have to restrain myself as my son is an adult now.

  17. I am an adult now, but I still feel that my mothers touch has magic properties :-). I find it so soothing ! I think a hug or a gentle touch can cure almost anything. A very beautifully written post Rachna.

  18. I agree that touch has got magical powers. It heals, soothes and warms the heart. a genuine touch and hug mean so much to me too.

  19. A touch can invoke the strongest of emotions – from revulsion to relief to fright to warmth.

  20. Hey Rachna, I couldn’t agree more! Touch is therapeutic and comforting, when its warm. On a bad day, even a slight caring touch of the hubby or my toddler works wonders in changing the mood. Glad to have stopped by 🙂

  21. A post filled with positive vibes. Humans heal each other with one touch that can energize our day and bring a smile on faces. Thanks for this post:)

  22. I’m not the kind who enjoys being hugged by the parents all the time (my sister used to love that), but at times there is nothing more comforting than lying down on ma’s lap or giving her a warm hug. There is something automatically makes you feel light and gives you hope. I can vouch for that 🙂

  23. this post made me smile! 🙂
    I am the hug , hold-hands types and I think its the best way to show love, support, affection, loyalty… 🙂
    Some of the best memories I have with my friends and K are the strolls we take – hand-in-hand discussing everything under the sun 🙂

  24. We, South Indians very rarely hug each other…never even hold hands naturally. So I too never had this holding/hugging habits until I had my children. Then I knew the power of patting, hugging children and saw the reactions. My aunt (mother’s elder sister) told me once that we need to hug as much as possible when somebody comes home or when we meet our friends and relatives, the whole atmosphere would change. Slowly, I started doing it and now I seem to be having many people who care for me since they know that I do too!

    • Didn’t know about the South Indian part. My father also never hugged us but mom used to. You are right. You do see people respond to you better when you reach out and convey your empathy via touch. I am glad you did it for your children, Sandhya.

  25. Like it and totally agree!! Touch is healing, it instantly fills you with warmth often leaving no need for words. I value it even more after my daughter. She is very expressive and hugs and kisses come naturally to her. One hug from her can lift the dreariest of our days.

  26. I loved your post.Yes,Touch seems to possess magical powers.Touch has a healing power on almost every aspect of our well-being. 🙂

  27. So beautifully expressed, Rachna. The power of touch is immense. I also feel that my daughter ( now an adult) has the best hands. Even as a child, she could literally ‘pull’ my head aches out! Your post itself has such a wonderful, relaxing touch to it. Thank you.

  28. I don’t like getting hugged, and am always angry generally. Once when I was angry with my Mom recently she came and hugged me from back and touching hair, for some reason it felt very good. I do love touching heads of people and massaging it, touching nice dogs, cows, cats, that’s how my innocent love I express sometimes… however don’t do it often… but yes people you love and trust deserve loving hugs and treatment, since thesedays we talk so less, there is so much misunderstanding , communication gap and anger… we need to relax and trust and feel the unsaid assurance… when I get bored I foddle and adjust hair of my Mom and Dad, they don’t like it front of guest, but perhapes it’s a silly kind of love from my side to them(: … nicely expressed, your son is amazing, already read about him having a artistic child as a friend(:… he surely will have a loving power in his touches(:

    • Thanks, Andapo. Yes, I know some people are distinctly uncomfortable with being hugged. And, we must respect that choice. What you call silly kind of love is actually quite adorable. I sometimes tell my kids to stop smothering me with their kisses and hugs in a playful angry tone. 🙂

  29. As I read your post, the most soothing of all the touches I have experienced came to mind one by one. Touch from a loved one does indeed heal and soothe. In fact, those words seem inadequate really. 🙂

  30. Yes, the magic of touch heals wounds in plenty. I honestly feel people should hug more often rather than to shy away from it. I hug my besties each time we meet and we’re often teased about it. But then, they’re simply missing out on a great deal of comfort by not hugging!

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