I love writing about parenting and write from my experiences as a hands-on mom of two bratty boys. In this post, I share how difficult it is to plan the second child. Here is an excerpt from the post:

Some people think that it is easier to have a second baby; after all you have already had one, right? Wrong! It is much tougher for the very same reason. You have had one baby, and you know exactly how much hard work a baby involves. Yes, there are pleasures along the way, but the challenges are actually more and different.



I read somewhere that “Having a second baby is even more difficult because this time you are changing a family!”

For the complete post, head to Parentous.com, a forum for sharing sweet, spicy and bitter tales of parenthood, an initiative of Blogadda.com:




16 Thoughts on “Birth of the second child!

  1. Hmm…. I never realized that… it does seem like it would be easier.

    Thanks for the insight 🙂

  2. Look,how times have changed?It wasn’t long back when we had a joint family systems,each family had anywhere between four to six children.During those days,women were not the office going types where as,perhaps,in metro cities every woman wants to work….and why not.
    So,it has more to do with changing social norms,women becoming more work oriented.With economic pressures on the rise and women now being educated,there is justification of smaller families.
    I support this.
    But,in my opinion,it won’t be long before our old joint family systems will come back in may be some other form

    • I don’t know if joint families will make a comeback or not. But in my opinion both the parents and the children deserve their own space. Perhaps having an arrangement where the parents stay close to their children but in a separate house might work but only where both sets are not intrusive. And that is always a delicate balance to achieve. My deepest appreciation for my mom and other ladies who raised kids beautifully, so many more of us and with such patience. I just have very different interests. Perhaps, I am more selfish and want more for myself.

  3. off to read it now!

  4. over to parentous post..!

  5. I don’t agree that Joint family system will come back. Yes, we have got many advantages if we live in a joint family…but the problems are more, I feel.

  6. When I read all this it looks scary – People say they enjoy it. I don’t know. To me all this kids and stuff looks like a 20-25 year dreary long journey. A second child only further extends the journey. I look enviously at friends who have already completed the first 10-12 years while I am even yet to get started. Even more envy folks who never married.

    • I can completely understand what you say, TF! Been there and been through the skepticism too. It is worth experiencing one child if you are prepared for all the hard work. The journey is tough but not dreary actually anything but dreary :). But it is not going to be easy. I am willing to spank anyone who says it is. Sometimes I also fondly look back at those carefree single days. But then I love raising a family too. It involved sacrifices but like I said the macro picture is heartening. It is also quite huge — creating and nurturing a life. And when a little baby is placed in your arms, you can’t but marvel at your own perfect little helpless creation. If it weren’t balanced with those “aah” moments, we all would throw away our kids :).

  7. Hi Rachna.This isa very meaningful post. It is important for the child to have a sibling. This is the second time I am visiting your post( I can’t see my previous comment). I have recomended this post for the prestigious Liebster Award.For the rules kindly refer to my post on this topic and Google.com

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