I’ve noticed that there are no formal guidelines for doing Guest Posts among bloggers. There is loads of ambiguity about this topic. As a person who has done Guest Posts both personally and professionally and someone who loves hosting bloggers on my own blog, I thought it would be a good idea to share some pointers for those wanting to write/ invite Guest Posts.
Topic: The topic must be discussed with the blogger in advance or the post can be run by the blog where it is published. The post length can be mutually decided upon. Normally posts are no less than 500 words in length.
Editing: The host blogger publishing the post always edits it before publishing. In case of heavy editing, the guest blogger is informed before doing so.
Links: Please make sure that you only link to relevant URLs. If the host allows you a bio, then that is the place for you to promote yourself and share your links. Links in the article body must be strictly non promotional. Don’t oversell yourself.
Copyright: Even though you have written the post, the copyright belongs with the blog where it is published. It is just like any other post that you do for a website, article directory or corporate blog. Google’s SEO rankings place emphasis on original writing. And, duplication of the same content dilutes that. Besides, a person offering his/her precious real estate to you is doing it with a tacit or open understanding that your work offered is original and unpublished.
Republishing: Any part of it or the entire post must be republished only with the express permission and information of the blogger on whose space your post has appeared. There also must be a link back to the original post. This is prevalent all over the virtual world; it is also ethical. Besides, republishing your own post with modifications or otherwise without any specific linkback to the original post or disclaimer amounts to self plagiarism. When you research a topic, you must put Reference links at the bottom of the article. Same applies to images or videos that you use whose copyright you don’t own. You have to attribute them to the person owning the copyright. This could lead to serious copyright violation if not done and may result in penal action and loss of reputation to you.
Effort: I have heard many people say that why should the copyright lie with the host blogger and not the blogger writing it. Well, the host blogger invites a Guest blog assuming a previously unpublished, original post. The contributing blogger gets eyeballs, credit with their name and link back from a popular blog along with new readers. That is how this is a balanced equation. The host blogger puts in a lot of effort in discussion, polishing the Guest Post, attaching suitable pictures, and editing it as well. The copyright always exists with the place where it is published.
Guidelines: It is desirable that the host blogger maintain a comprehensive list of Guest Post guidelines on their blog. This must be shared with any Guest blogger before they do the post. This ensures that any oversights and conflicts in the future can be avoided. This will also avoid ethical dilemmas.
Guest Posting can be a mutually beneficial and satisfying process, whereby, the Guest blogger gets to showcase their work on another blog. It is a great feeling to be asked for a guest post. It shows that your writing is appreciated and that you share a warm personal equation with a fellow blogger. The host blog gets to share varied content as well. The readers are the final beneficiaries. Having linkbacks from popular blogs boosts your SEO rankings. Please make sure that you keep these general guidelines in mind when you are doing a Guest Post. You can go over to the one on my blog here:
Read this informative White Paper on self-plagiarism here.Thank you Sudha for the link.
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I keep adding to it from time to time. I look forward to hearing your views on this topic.
Pic courtesy: Freedigitalphotos.net

80 Thoughts on “Guest Posting Etiquette for Bloggers

  1. Right post, right time, you said it all..:) bang on !

    • Thank you Latha! I’ve been working on this post since some time just published it today.

    • informative and indeed a very insightful post like to add one point to the list, i.e the tone of the blog , guest writer should try to see what are the existing articles on the blog or can ask some preferred topics to write on.

      If you are freelancer, I blog at readitt.in and recently started guestwriters.in , where we like to feature profiles of guest writers. please let me know if you are interested

  2. Had been waiting for this post Rachna. Very informative and comprehensive. Will think about this and if any other point is to be added, will tell u about it.

  3. This was needed … and should be read by all ! Thank you Rachna !

  4. Could’nt agree with you more on what you highlighted. Thanks once more for giving me your platform as a guest blogger:)

  5. Very insightful. The paper on self plagiarism was very useful. I was under the impression that I could re-hash stories already on my blog and submit to publishers. But the paper seems to suggest that is not allowed.

    On an different note, I have noticed even a professional site seems to regularly accept re-post of articles from a particular blogger. Not sure if they are unaware that every article he submits has already been posted on his blog or for some reason they find this agreeable.

    • Rachna, your post is quite informative and significant. Blog world is a very ambiguous world per se. As TF says above, even professional sites have asked me to republish in their site after reading it in mine. In once case, they posted my article as if it was an original without even mentioning my blog url.

      In such cases I have not complained for the simple reason that I find my message way more important than my right over my words and I would rather have it spread than own it.

      In fact my entire phd thesis borne out of 4 years of field research, I have purposely allowed it to float freely in the online world (I had the rights to not allow anyone to read it without using a library or paying for it but I signed an agreement allowing folks full access). Because I would rather more people read it than not.

      I also am not sure about edits. When I host guest post, I do not edit even a word without crosschecking with my guest blogger because writing and context of writing is a very personal thing. There is a style too and I do not like to interfere with that style. I simply point out certain edits and ask for their comfort level with it. Once there is an ok, I go ahead.

      But of course, not respecting your host blogger and not providing appropriate link backs is rude and unethical. I agree copyright belongs to the host blog–that is the practice for all forms of publishing.

      I do think this is an important area of discussion and am glad you have brought it to the forefront, Rachna.

    • @The Fool Like ethics, some people may not follow these to the T. But, I work internationally, and these guidelines are stringently followed everywhere. Google looks at duplicated comment in a very bad light, so I am not sure how a site is allowing the same content to be uploaded. As a matter of fact, there is a site that has published my blog posts as is too. If you take up professional Guest Posting assignment, they will send you a long list of guidelines that includes all the disclaimers that I’ve added and possibly more.

    • @Bhavana Perhaps the site was not well aware of SEO and other guidelines. Most professional sites will not touch unoriginal content or would specifically mention republish especially if it is academic work. If the originality clause goes away, then the virtual world will become a free for all; no accountability, no credibility. For those of us like me who make a living out of writing, I am as particular about the written word featured on my blog, as I am about my paid original work elsewhere. I take pains over my posts and expect my friends to feel similarly over what they are featuring on my blog. I have had some amazing Guest Posters including you that have added immense value to the content here.

      Your approach is very magnanimous, and as long as you don’t have a problem with it, I guess it is okay. But, if you had a problem, wouldn’t you pull up the site for wrongly publishing your work?
      I understand about knowledge but what about ethics? Is it not wrong to give away your work and then later reuse it without informing the host. Or for someone to just pick your work where you have put your sweat and toil and just publish it without any credit? To me that is wrong on all decency parameters.

      I agree about the edit part as well. There are Guest Posts that I haven’t touched at all; some where I made minor edits after proofreading; and yet others that required larger charges. On my part, I have always taken the permission of the Guest bloggers and kept them informed. Apparently, most of them felt their posts enhanced by my changes. Else, I would certainly be open to make any changes they want, after all it is their posts. I make sure that I don’t mess with the style, just handle the flow and certain grammatical errors, typos etc.

      Thank you for your support in this conversation. I think this was really required, and it is a learning process for me as well.

    • Contrary to belief, editing only enhances the content as Rachna has pointed out. And no one is above editing. But I have always taken permission of the blogger before editing and not one of them has not agreed that it had not improved. Of course I have taken a few without touching them too.

      As for republishing something of your own which you have given to another blog as a guest post, I feel it is unnecessary unless you want to obliterate all reference to an earlier version to make it look like a new one.

    • Exactly Zephyr! Sometimes the host blogger may give valuable inputs that can enhance the article. The important part is in informing the Guest blogger and taking their permission.

  6. People seriously need this post! 🙂 Glad that you documented it all!

  7. This post could not have come at a better time 🙂 Good to have all the reference points at one place.

    • I know what you mean, Jas :). But, really I had been working on it since sometime. I hope it helps others as well.

    • But one question though, if the copyright lies with host blogger, he can use it wherever he wants??

    • No, the copyright is only for their blog. Host blog can only republish by duly pointing out that the post has been penned by so and so and also linkback to the guest blogger’s blog. The same courtesies extend both ways. And, the name on the post and URL always stay of the contributor. That was an interesting question certainly, Jas.

  8. Definitely interesting! I know so little about this topic!

  9. Well explained. 🙂

  10. Thanks Rachna, for such a thorough article, very useful!

  11. Wow..didn’t know many of the above points..thanks for the useful post, Rachna!

  12. Interesting, I had no idea the site owned the copyright!

  13. Very valid points. I read Sudha’s post also.

    I have done two guest posts for two dear friends and there were no issues. Honestly, after whats going on in blogworld, I am wary of guest posts now. I am a sensitive person and prefer to avoid controversies.

    • Thank you so much, Alka, and I cherish your gracing my blog. I also went with Guest Posts without much of a thought because all the people I asked were friends and people whose writing I admired. Both are conditions enough that don’t need any other conditions laid down. But with all the controversies happening, I was forced to formally lay down the guidelines. It is so hurtful when such things happen.

    • I agree with both of you and having had both of you do guest posts for me, it was a great experience 🙂 But with the blog world becoming so competitive and nasty, one needs to be careful and these guidelines are certainly most helpful as was the link to the white paper on self plagiarism given on Sudha’s blog. I am wary of ugliness and controversies too 🙁

    • I agree Zephyr! Thanks for the warm words. It helps to prevent ugliness in the future :(.

  14. Some great tips for us all to consider applying! Great post. 🙂

  15. Great tips Rachana. I was not aware of so many things listed here :0 Much needed post ,I must say.

  16. Rachna,

    Thanks for much needed information.

    Take care

  17. Good job you put this , you shud add a line Not to send to Two people too 🙂 he he he

    I hope people learn , although As The fool said , I did not think That I put my old post again after some changes it comes under Plagiarism, That I dont understand, why it shud , I wrote something 3 years ago.. Now I can write better and add new things , So why cant I.. hmmmm

    but good information 🙂 end of the day I think it depends on people too, most good writerw who genuinly write for their own happiness will work on these guidlines , its only a few who want a quick way to make a name for themselves who will break the rules

    thats what I think


    • hehe Bikram! You can republish on your own blog and call it a repost, but if you offer it to someone else then you must only give original stuff unless the website is okay with you republishing your blog post on their site. Yes, you can modify an idea and write. If you see, ideas are not so different, but they can handled in so many ways. So why not create a new post? Why use sentences as is from the old post. That is rehashing, na. And, if you do that just mention originally published as.

      I guess it helps that we are aware and share these with others. That way, they will not say later that they did not know.

  18. Guest Blogger- this looks very inviting but it comes with its pros and cons. To know it all at one place in a simple and elaborate way is nice. Thanx for this one.

    • Thank you Manjulika! I think it is a simple process when it happens between friends. But, it is better to spell out the guidelines to dispel any confusion.

  19. This was extremely helpful. I have guest posted on other blogs with good results and invitations to return. However, I have not had the same experience with people guest posting on my blog. I can see that part of the problem lay with my failure to set out clear guidelines. I made assumptions about how things were done and didn’t realize that, as you observe, there are no widely shared and understood expectations.

    • Thank you Galen! I am so glad that you connected with the post. And, you make a pertinent point here. Sometimes, we just assume that the other understands, and their assumptions might be different from ours and also from the conventional wisdom. Thus, it is better to spell in advance. I have hosted some wonderful bloggers on my website. And, I thought it was time that these were shared with others too. Thanks again.

  20. Rachna thanks for this mine of info,it will guide many of us who did not know all the principles & avoid pit-falls & ugly controversies.
    About editing-i agree with you that major ,changes ought to be communicated to the guest blogger-after all it is going to be published under his name.
    As Bikram says,sometimes we have new insights about a subject as time passes ,& write another post.It may happen often with me because i write about a tight niche-like i have written many posts about Happiness as & when thoughts came to me.
    I just loved this post-thanks a lot.

    • Absolutely Indu, I agree! Being clear and transparent helps both sides. I agree about the editing part too. Mostly it is just grammar and typos that are corrected. But sometimes more needs to be done of course with the permission of the Guest Blogger. Absolutely fine to write about new ideas in the same topic. I write so many posts on parenting, fitness etc. but each post is new in its idea. Thank you so much for liking the post.

  21. A very timely and clear post, Rachna.
    I have published three guest posts of mine on other sites only because the blogs where I originally posted closed down. However, what you say is completely correct. I am not leaving anything to chance these days and when I ask someone to guest post they are given detailed guidelines. I might tweak these guidelines from time to time, but I know they remove all ambiguity. I also reserve the right to edit (the grammar only).

    • Thank you so much, Corinne! And, I guess that is acceptable since the original blogs no longer exist. Thank you for the Guest Post guidelines on your blog that you shared and that helped me draft mine. I think guidelines are clear pointers to expectations on both sides and help both the host and the guest blogger.

  22. I really do not understand why anyone would post his own post twice? If I have done a guest post then why would I post it again on my blog after 6 months? Unless and until its an honest mistake, I fail to understand the reason. Desperation due to writer’s block?
    Good relevant post.

    • Don’t know the reasons why people do it. Basic courtesy demands that even if one wishes to republish parts of it, prior permission is taken and a link back provided.

  23. Nice informative post! And much needed too, considering the controversies floating around! 😀

  24. Nice guidelines for those who want to do this..

  25. Beautifully said, Rachna. I’ve often seen that people who guest post elsewhere automatically think they can republish it on their own blogs. And then have a fallout with the host blog. Guest posting is a wonderful way to reach out to more readers and interact and the relationship between the guest and host is sacred. I make it a point to research the host blog and link relevantly; as you rightly said, the host is generously sharing their house, and the least one could do is add value with the blog’s own content.

    Thank you – wonderful read.

    Looking forward to meeting you soon.

    Love, Vidya

    • Thank you so much Vidya for the thumbs up. I’ve seen you host some lovely Guest Posts on your blog. I am looking forward to meeting you as well. Hugs!

  26. Hi Rachna,

    there are times when we write an article and mail it to various magazine/newspaper/publishing house in the hope that at least one of them would publish it. In this process what if more that one co. decides to publish that article?

    • Then you have to inform one of them that it is already going to be published in another one and offer them another article. Some of my blog posts have been published in DNA newspaper where it is specifically mentioned that it is published in my blog with a blog URL. Hence, the part about linkback or a disclaimer about the same.

  27. Informative indeed! Now I am curious to know about the controversies floating around :O

  28. A very helpful and informative post 🙂

  29. There should be rules and more importantly we must adhere to it. But as a writer, I would never give someone right over my work. And that vouch for the need of reading the Copyright Act now. 🙂

    • I understand Saru! But, think of it like this. You are voluntarily giving something away of yours to someone to put in their house. Can you just claim it back when you desire even though it is a gift? Both personally and professionally no! At least, the minimum courtesy is asking for permission to republish it. And, isn’t it good that you are aware of it now. We all are learning new things everyday, aren’t we?

    • Saru, you might want to read that white paper on self-plagiarism. I’ve shared its link in the post. That is quite eye opening.

  30. this post becomes relevant in times as today. Earlier a guest post was a way of interacting with more people and finding new friends. Not anymore and travesties of faith are becoming the sacrificial goats at the altar of fame and popularity.

    • I agree. That was the only reason I did it. I have had some wonderful bloggers as Guest Posters beginning with you, and I cherish all your posts and your love and support.

  31. Glad I came across this post but the information is really useful and that too from an experienced blogger as you Rachna 🙂
    I’ll make sure to keep these points in mind for my first guest post which has been pending in my Draft for quite some time now :p
    Keep posting 🙂



  32. I have never done this but have seen it on many blogs. And your blog is the best example of how it should be done. May be it’s time I jumped on the bandwagon too. As always, very informative and very well researched. 🙂

  33. Very insightful post, Rachna. Thank you. 🙂

  34. informative and indeed!
    thanx a lot madam


  35. this was quite informative ..

    thanks Rachna Ma’am…

    apologies for the late comment !

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