Today is the 100th Anniversary of Father’s Day and though I feel that most of these days are just commercial gimmicks meant to boost the sales of the greeting card companies, I like this one. I think fathers are very special. They are not as overt in showing their love as moms are. And, they most certainly are not cherished or celebrated the same way as mothers are. A little unfair, I’d say. I love my dad and I am close to him like most daughters are. As a child when growing up, he was a figure we respected more out of fear than love. A stern look from him would see us siblings hiding for cover :). I remember that he hardly ever raised his hand on us. He was this person I idolized and so craved his recognition, his attention. I was always a very good student at school and my father was never lavish with his praise. So, even a small word said by him or a word which I thought he had said would make me feel on top of the world. Such was his aura.

As we were growing up, I began to appreciate his other more subtle qualities. He always listened to our opinions. We would be a part of all the family decisions. He made us very independent and allowed us a lot of leeway in terms of choosing our career choices, allowing us to go for camps, hardly ever questioning us inordinately. Though I would have liked some more guidance at that time. He somehow made me feel important, like adults – able to make my own decisions ! And, all through my life I turn to him for an opinion, an advice and be sure that it would be level headed and balanced. He does not enforce his views or opinions but at the same time makes compelling arguments. A very rare quality to have ! I have imbibed a lot of values from him – his sincerity, dedication, hard work, reading, health consciousness but I am more open and social just like my mother.

As I have grown older, I have grown closer to him. There is never a backslapping relationship possible but there is immense respect. He truly is a pillar of strength in my life. On this Father’s Day, I would like to say thank you to him for being such a wonderful father and such a decent and honest human being. I can say it on behalf of all three of us siblings – Thank you Papa, We love you very much !!!!!

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