health is fun

Health is fun?

Most people lament that even the thought of a yummy gooey cheesecake or a sinfully rich, chocolate chip cookie makes them gain weight. The beautiful model on TV slowly eating that yummy pizza or guzzling down that soft drink is ALWAYS super fit and slim. The message overload daily throws things like dieting, bland food, starving and pumping iron which spells anything but fun. Health food is either boring or disguising harmful ingredients. Most times the solutions offered to us are so bizarre that it creates an apathy in the minds of the consumers. But health can be fun! As a person who loves cooking and experimenting, I have found that one could stay healthy by eating nutritious food that is tasty too.

Why are our advertisements so unreal?

Have you seen the advertisements on TV lately? If it is the cosmetics ads, you see picture perfect, photoshopped women in sizes that even an adolescent girl will have to work hard to have. Where are the real people in advertisements? Why are we not seeing daily situations with people who don’t look like supermodels.

health is fun

Health is wealth:

Eat healthy: Indulge in home cooked, fresh and nutritionally balanced food. Eat loads of fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid heavily processed food. Breathe easy! You can also eat your snacks, cookies, cakes, breads and still stay healthy. Just watch the portions and the ingredients.

Exercise: It is important both for the adults and the children is crucial for fitness and health. No matter what you do, exercise must be a part of your daily lives. If you do not invest in your body today, you will see it going into disrepair in your 40s and 50s. While I am totally against starving yourself to achieve a certain figure, which can do untold physical and psychological damage, I recognize the important of staying healthy and fit while having fun.

Make healthy choices: Life is not boring if you don’t down gallons of alcohol and not have an overload of junk food. Life can be very rewarding and fun when you respect your body and truly nurture it thanking it for everything that it does for you every single moment.

Stay away from stress: In today’s urban life, stress is a silent killer. Invest time in pampering yourself. Meditate, do yoga, read a book, sit and watch the birds fly — in short, take time out to nurture your soul. Your physical health is deeply intertwined with your inner health. Try to make holistic life choices.

Advertisement Campaigns about healthy food are so blah

While most campaigns for “healthy” foods turn me off with their crazy claims and made-to-order models, I was pleasantly surprised when I came across the “Health is fun with Farmlite” campaign driven by the Farmlite Bytes Film Festival. The ads are truly refreshing in their approach as they egg you to incorporate health in your daily lives by doing simple things.

This advertisement touched a deep chord. All of us city dwellers and slaves to our bais will instantly connect with this ad. Just like this family, my family chips in too even on a regular basis. Try that dusting regularly. You can work up quite some sweat and clean the house too.

This one brought a smile to my face instantly. Imagine seeing someone like this on a daily basis. We all know that a smile exercises all the muscles on the face and laughter shoos away stress taking you one step closer to better health.

Have you ever been accosted by this traffic cop? I would love to meet him. The lesson he teaches to all rule breakers is really endearing.

Festivals bring the image of unhealthy eating and piling on kilos. Not if this is the way you celebrate.

This is a fun and refreshing ad campaign that promotes the idea of health through simple daily tasks. Keep moving and stay healthy. Yes, health can be fun if you eat healthy, nutritious food, snack smartly and exercise.

Sunfeast Farmlite is a range of healthy cookies made with Oats and wheat. It comes in two variants – Oats with almonds and Oats with raisins to satisfy your snack hunger pangs and yet give you something tasty and nutritious. It comes loaded with the goodness of fibre, iron, magnesium and protein. My children loved its flavors and so did I.

Yes, health is fun!

So, let me know how staying healthy is fun for you?

14 Thoughts on “Health is fun with Farmlite

  1. Well, well, well….I just finished submitting my post and was just clearing my emails when I came across this. A very interesting review of the campaign, Rachna. And it is indeed refreshing to see that the adverts are ones that we can relate to more 🙂

  2. The campaign is certainly interesting. But I sometimes wonder, we look for health in biscuits and all that little snacks we have but forget to increase the content of fiber or protein in our major meals. Or replacing the biscuits with say ‘granola’?

    • I think a parochial approach to health would be futile. I think we must systematically try to avoid all processed foods. Consume them occasionally and judiciously. My sons have stopped having biscuits except as an occasional treat. But I did like it that the campaign focused on staying fit through small efforts daily.

  3. Has anyone tried Biscuits from Patanjali…Baba Ramdev’s…..Its all ATTA

  4. I try to eat healthy most of the times but being a foodie, sometimes I indulge. And I try to go for brisk walk/jogging in the morning but sometimes it’s not possible. BTW, Patanjali biscuits are great. I have them with my coffee 🙂

    • Pankti, I do indulge in cookies and cakes too. As long as we are following a healthy lifestyle, occasional indulgences are good, no. 🙂 I always brisk walk in the evenings. Mornings are too full for me. I must try those biscuits that you are mentioning. Thanks for visiting!

  5. I liked the ads.. much more real and yes, I agree – a good biscuit like this is a better gap filler than the other unhealthy options out there.

  6. nowadys obesity is increasing people are not considering the health .they just eat food and increse the weight

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