What is it about shopping that excites many of us so much? While growing up, it was the lure of new toys, clothes, books perhaps that excited us. We did not have the money or the privileges the kids today enjoy, so we cherished every little material possession we got, even things like a movie outing or an odd chocolate or cold drink were extra special :). Then came college and shopping for clothes was the most interesting. Of course, we wanted to dress up in the most fashionable stuff available at lower cost so that the wardrobe could be changed every few months. And now, shopping is something I do in a hurry. Grocery shopping is always done with a list these days, and kids are given special instructions to not throw tantrums for the strategically displayed candies and chips etc. Even clothes are shopped for in a hurry. Hubby accompanies me sometimes but gets sick of trying to be diplomatic yet objective when asked for an opinion :). I never had the habit of trying too many stores, and I don’t do so even now. I normally have my favorite places where I shop, and I am just satisfied there. The only time I enjoy shopping is in a bookstore if I have time. I love to browse through books and keep exploring for hours. Window shopping is also fun when accompanied by other females where we can giggle and criticize everything in sight without spending a single penny :). 
Being in Ahmedabad at my sister’s place, I am looking forward to indulging in some retail therapy in the next few days :).

22 Thoughts on “Retail Therapy :)

  1. Even I love spending quality time in a bookstore reading novels and journalism books.

  2. Window shopping is a good past time.I do it when I find time.I can get updated about new arrivals,and I have learned to resist the temptation of buying things.
    I always tell my children that are taking off from where I have landed after years of hard work and struggle.They don’t seem to realize it.

  3. I envy you – you are in one of my favourite cities – Ahmedabad!! It is a shoppers haven. Be sure to check out the ethnic clothing at Gamthi. Actually even small shops have good collections. Also, please do not miss ice cream at HavMor and a good solid Gujarati thali. :))

  4. You sparked some memories for me here! As kids we had one soft drink a week – my dad would but it for us on our Sunday walk … we talked about it all the way there! For years all my shopping was done in a hurry but now I am on my own again I am happy to spend an entire afternoon browsing – noramlly going back tot he first thing that caught my eye!

  5. Loved the title of the post. Sure, it is a therapy when done right 🙂

  6. small correction last line “in the next few dayS :).

    hey from goa to hyd to aHM. U R ON A roll wow 🙂

  7. @Rachit Ah, good to know that you are a book lover too :).

    @dr. antony Works the same way for all kids. I wonder if my children realize or if we realized that while growing up :).

    @Deepa Oh yes! Ahmedabad is a fabulous place for shopping and eating. I will try to pack in as many things as possible :).

  8. @Jane Sure. I have a vivid memory of my dad buying a crateful of soft drinks and each of us would get one when we got a “Good” for our assignments in school. You should have seen how excited we were to come and show him our “Goods” and claim our prize :).

    @NRIGirl Oh yes, when done right. No danger there from my end. Even my husband would agree that I am low maintenance :).

    @Vani Thanks! Changed that. Oh yes, the entire April has flown off. May hopefully will be solidly spent in Bangalore :).

  9. After a certain age and stage, doesnt Shopping become boring?Unless, one is at Oxford Street in London.

  10. So you are now holidaying in Ahemdabad, that is good. enjoy yourself, away from the usual, mundane things. BTW. it rained very heavily here, and now it is getting back to normal heated Bangalore.
    I love shopping, and because my husband as all husbands gets bored, I just go shopping by myself. I really enjoy shopping alone, generally I am quite happy with just with window shopping, however sometimes I go with a plan and list to shop for myself otherwise I would forget some of the things that I wanted to check.
    I like to go to all the gallies and check out all the shops, and I never have a favorite shop, I like to discover new places and buy something wherever I like.
    I suppose you have the kids that is why you are not keen to roam about, but once you are free like me , you would enjoy the freedom of shopping at your own pace with no one to bother you.
    My husband is totally relieved that I don’t bug him to come along. It is indeed a very good therapy.
    How is the weather there ?
    Have a great time, Bye, Rama.

  11. The one sentence that immediately caught my eye was where you said Gurdev would get tired of being both objective and diplomatic 😀

  12. I love shopping whether clothes, books or grocery. My sister is my favorite shopping partner and we use to freak out in Mumbai when I was working there. Now also I do my shopping in Mumbai onlyon my annual visits.
    Ahmedabad my friends say is an absolute delight, ENJOY and have the GUjju thali too. Slurppppppp

  13. @BKChowla I think the shopping does not become boring but the tastes and preferences change.

    @rama Yep, Gurdev was telling me that it was quite cold in Bangalore. Hey,thanks for your sweet comment on his blog post. Oh yes, vacationing in Ahmedabad. It is hot as hell. Kids are enjoying with each other, and it is so much fun to shop with my sister :). As you rightly pointed out, for now my priority is to do my shopping fast and move on. Yes, kids are the main reason for the hurry.

  14. @Bart From one man to another, you would recognize your friend’s agony immediately :). I know it is universal; all men hate accompanying their women for shopping :).

    @bbsearchingself Oh yes, gujju thali is among the plan too :).

  15. Wishing you a happy time at Hyderabad..enjoy spending..:)

  16. @Tomz It’s Ahmedabad but thank you, anyway :).

  17. Even I love window shopping..do it all the time, as I rarely need many things now:)

  18. Saw your profile and it says you’re trying to cut down on talking. Can you do a blog post on that since I’m trying to do that a lot these days and would like to know your experiences with that. #grings.

  19. Oh and the shopping thing, you know why it’s so interesting? It’s the hunting experience. As human beings we were either gatherers. We went around picking fruits and collecting stuff in the woods. Shopping is nothing but that at a different level and it always feels good to get back to what you were initially designed for. Hehe!

  20. in this side of the globe only shopping malls offer solace..:)

  21. @Renu That must be fun.

    yodaonlife Welcome to my space. Sure will try to do a blog post on that. Not sure if I have actually achieved a lot in terms of talking less :). And, that’s an interesting take on shopping.

    @Ramesh hehe I am sure.

    @Thommy Welcome here and thanks!

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