It is always very gratifying when a blogger friend awards you. Lazy me, I’ve taken some time in acknowledging the Award. Thank you Irfan of Apniboli for honoring me with The Versatile Blogger Award. To be considered versatile is a compliment I cherish. I am lucky that Anulal of Indian Commentator gave me the same award earlier.

As a recipient of this award, I had to link back to the person who gave me the award, and I have to write 7 honest things about me. As I write so much about myself, I am sure my blogger friends know quite a bit about me :). But, let me try:

  1. I am a mother of two sons, and I work as a freelance writer.
  2. I deeply believe in social causes like rights of a girl child, eradication of corruption and education for all.
  3. I am emotional but very practical and realistic in my outlook.
  4. I deeply care for my friends and my close family, and my children and husband mean the world to me.
  5. I cherish honesty, sense of humor and intelligence in others.
  6. I have lived and traveled extensively around the world, and I love to experiment with all kinds of food.
  7. I am a fitness freak, love my workouts, and love to cook nutritious food for my family.

And now the toughest part, I have to tag other bloggers whom I want to pass on the award to and inform them. I like all my blogger friends and each one’s blog is cherished by me for one reason or another. But for versatility, in no particular order, I pass on the award to
Bhagyashree Bharat of Searching Self: She writes about a lot of topics, and I just love her simple short stories. She connects instantly with her readers and is disarmingly honest in expressing her opinion.
Jane Healy of A New Start— I love her Alphabet series. She writes from her heart and has lovely anecdotes to share.
Rama of Time, Time… I have all the time. She writes eloquent travelogues. She has extremely balanced opinions and her comments add value to any blog post she writes about. I really connect with her viewpoint.
Deepa of When the Muse Strikes: She does not write very regularly but her posts have a slice of life feel and I like the sarcasm and sense of humor her posts have.
Wise Donkey of Kick: In my opinion, she is the best writer around. Her ability to incorporate information and satire in her posts is outstanding. I really miss her posts and hope that she will get back to blogging soon.

All my blogger friends are special to me, and I thank all of them for enriching my blogging experience and widening my perspective.

This is not a part of the tag but my own twist: What is the compliment that you cherish the most?
My answer is the one my husband gave me that I am a very sorted out person. It meant the world to me :). Anxious to hear your replies!

27 Thoughts on “Award!

  1. Hey Thanks! Am touched. Now am I supposed to write those 7 things in my blog? (Sorry….am not too savvy about this)

  2. congratulations!..the compliments I cherish are made by my domestic maids who say that I have a good and kind heart…it always makes me feel at the top of the world.

  3. @Deepa you’re welcome :). Yes, you have to do the same things that I did, link back to the blogger who awarded you, write 7 things about yourself, pass on the award to anyone you think who deserves it and notify them :).

    @Renu Thanks! That’s a wonderful compliment. It shows that you are a truly sensitive person. It is often said that how we treat people who are lesser than us in social standing is a good indication of the kind of person that you are.

    @BKChowla Thanks a ton.

  4. Congrats! 🙂
    I like the point 5.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. 🙂

  5. Congrats fr winning the award,..u r truly versatile..and like you I’m also a fitness freak..Coming to sorted out, ..perhaps true..ur husband could say more in this..anyway from ur blog posts, i could also deduce that u want discipline in everything, in every social situations….

  6. Thanks Rachna. I really feel honoured to know that there are people who really relate to what I write, and you being one of them. I am really very happy.
    However I have to admit, that I have no idea how to collect it.
    Right now I am very preoccupied looking after some house guests, and it could be quite a while, before I can the computer to myself. That is why I reposted an old blog is which is one of my favorite.
    Thanks a lot for the award.

  7. @Chandrika Thank you :).

    @Tomz Congrats to you too for winning this award. Thanks for the nice words about my blog. That’s an interesting observation that you made about me wanting discipline in every situation. You are right; I do get fazed and ruffled with chaos or disorder.

    @rama You really don’t have to do anything. You got this award. You can display it on your blog and like me just write 7 things about yourself and then you can award someone with the same too.

  8. Hi Rachna,
    Though as you have said we get to know about a person through their writings, still, something about them would be known only if they reveal it honestly to others as you have, the good and the bad.
    It gives us an opportunity to look at ourselves critically.
    I like your twist too.
    The compliment i cherish the most is when people tell me, that i look like an elder sister to my kids.
    Well, who wouldn’t???
    And for how long would they be telling me that, so it is better to bask in that compliment as long it lasts, for I am growing old.

  9. congrats friend..nice to read this s post ya……best wishes always

  10. Hi Rachna congratulations I feel honoured to know you! I had no idea that you were a freelance writer..that’s my dream job!! I am so happy that you got t his award you deserved it.

  11. @rama True, it is fun trying to know each other.Yes, of course, you do look much younger. I remember complimenting you for the same when I intially started following your blog :). I also hear similar compliments about not looking old enough to have two sons. Always feels good to hear that 🙂 and enjoy till that lasts.

    @Ramesh Thanks buddy!

    @Emmy Thank you! You are so sweet!

  12. HEllo,
    its good to know something about you here,

    its good that we come to know a little about each other through all these award posts and interesting Tags….

  13. @Irfan Thank you for the award and the kind words. It is good to know a little bit about bloggers.

  14. Rachna congratulations on getting this award – and thank you so much for nominating me. I am working on my reply … wondering what honest things I can say about myself – and write my greatest compliment … Thank you so much!

  15. congrats and wishing you many more in the days to come.

  16. congratulations of the award and hers wishing you manyy manny more to come 🙂


  17. @Jane You are welcome. You deserve it. Knowing how honest you are, that should not be a problem at all :).

    Thanks nitu and Bikram.

  18. Finally commenting here 🙂
    Loved ur honesty. And the twist too.
    Lets c whether I can be honest… 😉
    Thanks for the award

  19. @bbsearchingself Ah, so you could finally log in :).

  20. superb writing….welcome i like ur blog …!! i follow u keep going!!

  21. Congratulations…seems like you are a super woman.

  22. I am did not pass the award to me…LOL. Just a joke :)))

  23. @CallmeVish Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind words.

    @A haha you really think so? And, you’d already got this award, so it didn’t make much sense for me to pass it on to you :).

  24. Congratulations !Keep on blogging

  25. @dr.anthony and sm thank you.

Do not leave without commenting. I love a good conversation :).

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