Yesterday, I had this interesting conversation with Siddharth’s friend Prerak. We were walking together while Gautam was practising his pedaling skills on his tricycle. The conversation went like this:
Prerak: Auntie, how come Siddharth’s Hindi is so good?
Me: Why not, we speak Hindi at home, so he’s bound to pick up good Hindi ( That’s not the only reason, he picks up some heavy duty Hindi words from his dubbed cartoon shows :)). I am sure your Hindi is good too, as you speak Hindi at home.
Prerak: How come his English is so good?
Me: Meaning? He picked up English mostly at school.
Prerak: Then how come he knows big words like “irritate”.
Me: Probably because I tell him ” Don’t irritate me” all the time 😀
I explained the meaning of irritate to Prerak in Hindi who was immediately using this newly acquired word in his vocabulary on his friends :). I don’t know how many more words which I use out of frustration are finding their way into Siddharth’s conversations.
Like mother like son 🙂 You also have good command over language. The best thing is that you are successful is passing it on to the next generation. WELL DONE
Thank you so much, Manika.