The lights were bright! I sat mortified fearing the worst. I saw his masked face with an apologetic glint in his eyes as he came at me with a knife and a drill! I felt panicky and numb as the injections had begun taking effect. The lights were blinding me. His voice asked me to relax. How could I? Over his shoulder, I saw my husband peeking, his face breaking into a comforting smile. With a sigh, I settled back and closed my eyes while he got to work. Yes, my dentist began a long process of wisdom tooth removal. Since mine hadn’t completely erupted and was in a supine posture, the surgery was going to involve cutting the bone to extract the tooth. Add to it, I had to get a root canal treatment done for the adjacent tooth which had begun rotting! Oh the misery! Read More →

Her big, lovely eyes slowly transformed into glistening pools of molten lava. While browsing through her wardrobe, she chanced upon a dusty box of memories. Old family albums from back when hard copies of pictures were the norm. Each special moment was captured carefully. She used to do these little doodles around the pictures, and Read More →

She comes in all shapes and sizes; she speaks many languages; she breaks my heart, touches me, saddens me, makes me happy and also frustrates me. The most important woman in my life! You got that right – my maid! Since the time I came back to India and set up my home, she has Read More →

I sit by my window. The weather is beautiful outside. The trees are flush with leaves. Copious rains have been doing them a world of good. The plants are blooming! The Hydrangea with their lovely lavender-blue canopies; the pretty jasmine flowers that emanate a soft, soothing perfume; and the bright red, orange and pink hibiscus, Read More →

The quaint Indian bazaars are huge treasure troves for many a bargain hunter. You have these wholesale markets in every city that sell everything under the sun. So we have big sabzi mandis, markets for computer parts, hardware, garden equipment, furniture, home improvement, cloth markets and what have you! I have heard people reminisce about Read More →

These days, all I think of is the persistent, omnipresent heat. I know that we in India love our sunshine being tropical beings. And that I have spent my childhood in the hot, baked plains of North India where the hot loo blows in the summers. Yet as kids, heat never deterred us. We would Read More →

I have been noticing of late that every time there is a specific Day like Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day, there is the mandatory change of status updates on social media. Pictures are automatically modified. Bloggers come up with blogposts, some mundane, some unusual, and many interesting. All in all, the virtual world is agog Read More →

There used to be a serial called “Hum Paanch” a long time ago. It was a story of 5 sisters and had a character “aunty” who was always conscious of anyone calling her aunty. So her pet dialogue was, “Aunty mat kaho na!” As moms, we are used to very old kids calling us aunty, Read More →

I ask the nurse to let me see the boy. She assures me with a smile that he is with his father, and they will only allow me to go after a couple of hours. After a C-section, they had to wait for me to completely recover from the anaesthesia. In pain and feeling dizzy, Read More →