I have already been saying so many things about myself and my family in my blog much to the dismay of hubby. Yet, it looks like some people still want to know more 🙂. So here I go at this tag that has been lying pending for a while now. I am being boring and not passing on the tag to anyone else. Most of the people have already done it. However, if any of you feels like it, go ahead and take it up. 

With a deep breath, here are my answers:

Bikram Mann, my friend, of  Me and My Random Thoughts had tagged me

1. What is it that you love to do, most, and would rather spend your time doing it?
Objectively, I am doing everything that I like to do 🙂.

2. What do you think others think of you?
People say lovely things to me, and I hope that they are being serious when they do so 🙂.

3. Where do you see yourself end the next 10 years?
With well-raised kids!

4. What is one quality of yours you admire the most.
My inner goodness ;-).

5. Have you played a trick on someone that went bad; What is it ?
I can’t recall any! 

6. Who would you say made you who you are today (other than your parents, if that is what you would answer 
My own convictions apart from my closest family and friends.

7. What gives you joy?
Coco, my Labrador, is pure joy in furry shape!

8. Who is your favorite hero and Why?
My dad for being the person he is.

9. Why do you blog?
I have a permanent verbal diarrhea ;-).

10. Do you believe in love stories , if yes why?
Absolutely! I have experienced and seen many lovely ones.

11. Tell us an incident that you remember always.
There is a scary incident that involved both my sons where I could have lost them forever. Due to my elder son’s gumption, both of them were saved. That incident affected me very deeply.
Phew 11 done..

Anupama of Volatile Spirits had tagged me some time back

1. What does blogging mean to you?
Blogging means writing, sharing, connecting and interacting.
2. Name the person who influenced you most.
My dad!
3. Which is the last book you read?
I just finished reading “Bougainvillea House” last night.
4. Which are the subjects you hated most in school and college?
I was a good student. I loved all the subjects :p.
5. If you were to become a sports celebrity overnight, who would you choose and why?
Vishwanathan Anand for his intelligence, humility and success.
6. Name your dream travel destinations- India and Abroad.
In India – North East and abroad –South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
7. Describe your job briefly.
I am a professional Content Writer and an entrepreneur.
8. What is your alternative career option?
This is my alternate career option :). I am a Chemistry graduate and an MBA.
9. Do you really think the world will come to an end after December 2012?
I don’t care either way. I am living in the moment.
10. What are the things you would like to do before you die?
Travel to more places and see my kids grow up.
11. Your views on television soaps?
Boring and predictable yet addictive just like Sooraj Barjatya movies ;-).

My dear friend, Destiny’s child of The Chronicles of my Destiny had tagged me. Thanks for the sweet poke, girl. Here are your answers:

1)Your most beautiful post
That lovely Mother’s Day!
My mother
Dear Daddy!

All because they are very close to my heart and talk about the special people in my life.
2) Your most popular post
See the right hand sidebar, and you will see them in the order of pageviews :). Foot in the mouth is my most popular post with over 3000 page views!
3) Your most controversial post 
Go Generic!  and  Loud IndianI got me hate mail as well as spammy comments on these posts.

4) Your most helpful post 
My fight for my BBMP khata

RTI — An extraordinary tool!

I still get email queries for both of these.


5) A post whose success surprised you. 
The most popular post mentioned above surprised me. I could not figure out why it was so much in demand compared to so many better posts that I’ve written.


6) A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved
All my initial posts! I have always been writing irrespective of traffic :).


7) The post you’re most proud of 
I really am proud of all my posts! I put in emotions in each post.


Umashankar Pandey of One Grain Amongst the Storm had tagged me recently


Which is your own favourite post(s)?

All my posts about my family, but this one is extra special: My knight in shining armor!


Which are your favourite posts by others?

You have to see them on my FB page. I regularly put up posts that I have found appealing and those that speak nicely about me ;-). And, if you haven’t yet liked the page, you’d better :).


What would you do if you were barred from blogging?

Put up the posts on Facebook :).


If you were to be limited to just 5 music albums for the rest of your life, which ones would they be?

Digital music is a godsend. I can survive on radio too.


If you were to be limited to just 5 authors for the rest of your life, which ones would they be?

It will spell doom in my life, as I like to read all authors and all genres.


(Didn’t I say five?) Correct. You may frame one question of your own choice and answer that.


Who is the sharpest observer you know?

My youngest son, Gautam; he comes up with some intensely funny observations.


So, there I’ve managed it. I have added the tag that I missed out on courtesy a sweet reminder from my friend. So, I finally have tackled all the questions ;-). Hope you had fun! Yippee I am done :).


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net


82 Thoughts on “Know Me Some More!

  1. Good to know you better 🙂 New Zealand and Australia and North East are on my travel list too !

  2. Absolutely loved reading all the answers..and never bored to learn more about you..:) keep writing Rachna. We love you!!

  3. Now we know a bit more about you 🙂

  4. Very nice! 🙂

  5. very nice blog rachana. chane some cool blog templates.

    Sixthsense Wearable Phone

  6. A well rounded persona, Rachna:)

  7. Lovely to see ur vocabulary flowing so smoothly while u answering the questions, especially to the ninth question by Biks..

  8. Three tags at one go!! Phew!!

  9. All the tags together and lots of info about you 🙂 must have been hell of a hard work.

  10. Must have been such fun to write this post, Rachna. Very enjoyable read. Cheers and take care!
    Love, Vidya

  11. Interesting answers …. got to know a bit more about you! :))

  12. Getting to know you better is wonderful, Rachna. I’m not sure what the details of the incident concerning your sons are – but it sure sounded scary! ♥

    • Thanks so much Corinne! Thanks for your warm words about that incident. It happened two years ago, and I still can’t thank my lucky stars enough that both of them are safe and with me. The panic I experienced in those short hours is something I’ve never felt in my life for anything. Feels like a horrifying nightmare to even think about it.

  13. Rat-a-tat-tat! That is Rachna for you! Every reply clear and without mincing words, honest and to the point. Great to know more about you dear 🙂

  14. Answering questions is always very hard. But nicely done Rachna… Must have taken you a hell lot of time…

  15. A fun read 🙂
    Poke for missing out my tag – the one where you pick your favourite posts. 🙂

  16. My experience has taught me to keep very personal matters out of the blog.

  17. 🙂 good one and well what happened with your son’s do let know , Or have you already posted and I forgotten .

    Take care rachna and as your answers say , you are a lovely person and I am glad I know you


    • No Bikram! I haven’t posted about it, and I am not likely to do so. Sure, I will tell you when we meet. Thank you for your encouraging words as always and for being my friend.

  18. Did’nt know you had a chocolate lab. I had one too..so you are now someone quite lovely in my opinion, for being a dog lover 🙂

    It was interesting to know more about you…

    • Chalo, we share one more connection. Coco had down a guest post on Pablo Pawsome’s blog. Do scroll on my blog’s FB page and you will see the link and pics of Coco’s post! Thank you Vinita!

  19. You have given quite a bit of information about yourself.
    How ome,I didn’t see Coco?

    • Should I be worried? He was in the inside room when you came. He gets overexcited on meeting strangers, so I normally allow only pet lovers to interact with him :).

  20. Nice to know more details about you.

  21. You are one smart lady! Thanks for honouring the Mark. It was a pleasure reading about you.

  22. Ek teer kai shikar! It was nice reading about you 🙂

  23. nice answers…cheers!

  24. its good know so much about you in just one go….
    thanks for sharing…:)

  25. Woo hoo! It is an achievement in itself to answer all these tags! It was a pleasure knowing more about you!

  26. wow! Nice!! I especially liked that you compiled all your best loved posts, especially since I cme to know of your blog of late!

  27. Such cool answers! And yes, we know you a little better now. 🙂 Have a great weekend, Rach. 🙂

  28. Oh I am loving your travel destinations 🙂

  29. Blogging is infectious isn’t? Mine started as just a diary for my vegetable plot and has moved into quite a different realm now.

    I try not to blog about my family too much – only because I know they don’t like it – but I think I also try to tackle some controversial topics just to provoke some interesting debates.

    Always find your blog interesting.

  30. Love each and every one of your well worded answers!! Very interesting to get to know you better my friend!

  31. Nice to know some facts about u 🙂

  32. Rachna,

    Frank replies.

    Take care

    PS : Sorry for visiting after a gap. Left comments on previous 2 posts also.

  33. Hey totally agree on point NO 6
    The north east of India is so fascinating. I too am waiting to make a trip there.

  34. that’s a lot of answers!! enjoyed reading the post. even i am going to do a tag and award post soon. btw, why are your smilies different?

    • Why now your tag post will be interesting to watch with your characteristic humor. Yes, the smileys do indeed look different. You have a unique observation :). And, I have started moderating comments now. I am tired of spammers :(.

  35. nice very interesting..some are hard fact s and came to know about that..
    love all the answers!!

  36. Rachna, Your words are most gracious…good to know you more ;))

  37. Enjoyed this, so you are a bit of traveler, nice.

  38. Getting to know more about you, love your answer on Vishy Anand:) And love ur travel destinations too:)

  39. Pingback: rain forest info

  40. Pingback: Awards! | Rachna Says

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